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Shaping your birds personality


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I have been told by a few that me and one other person one this forum have older birds.So i have decided to post my insite on what shapes uniqe personality.My bird is 22.I have had him since i was 8.We grew up together.When i first got him he was mean hated everyone.Would grawl at all who came near his cage except me.Over time i was able to get him out by towling him.i was a determined kid who wanted to be able to pet my bird.Well for the first 5 years we had him.My parents were at each other.Devorce was coming.So he grew up in a very angry house hold with alot of yealling and screaming going on.This affected him alot.With all the hostility in the house he had no choice but to act the same way.To everyone except me.



Now.16 years later .He reacts to anger .It stimulates him.He loves it.Any time there is an argument he gets one a band wagon.yelling,screeming.Attacking his toys.Attacking his cage.If we are watching Tv and there is an angry tone to whats going on.Its almost like he goes into a trans of rage with his tantrum.


This being said it is evedent that they are not just mimicers of sound and action they mimcers of emotion as well.So try to keep in mind with all the youngons on here.


Thanks for listining



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This is not the first time that I have heard that they do react to our emotions. They are very smart and pick up on our reactions and emotions, but that is funny that he seems to enjoy it when there is anger and fighting going on around him. At least it is not directed at you, maybe you can catch some of it on video and post it for the rest of us to enjoy.

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Thanks for that insight Dinkanber.


This action of displaying emotions over what is taking place in the household, in which he feels, he's a member of. Is acting out his emotions just as an older Human child or teenager.


This is amazing, that they are that connected mentally in understanding the elevated emotions surrounding them.


No wonder Grey owners sometimes have no clue why their Grey is growling and biting all of a sudden.


I guess I had better break out the old Psychology books from college and start watching Dr. Phil :woohoo:

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Maybe that is something to be said.Your grey bites you for no reason at all.What went on earlier in the day.Was there any time of the day that the anger level in your house got elevated.Maybe they just think thats what is supposed to happen everynow and then and act on it.Never thought about it that way.Fransis will bite at any givin chance but i know some "regular greys"that attack for no reason.

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Guest Lidia

Great post, Dink, karma for you! That is very interesting indeed, that he reacts like that, but you are able to get around that side of his personality, and you've obviously used patience and real loving kindness to do so.

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Thank you.Me and him have more of a partnership going then an owner pet relationship.He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it.Anyone else that lives with us cant ever explaine our realationship.I stay out of his way.I let him through his fits.Were as any other pet owner would try to correct the problem.I dont see it as a problem.i see it as its his personality and your not gonna change a 22 year old bird.they are who they are .you can alter a few things.i am able to change his mood swings by changeing his location in the house and stuff like that.but as far as him acting like a psyco path.thats not gonna change.I just wish i knew what part of his personalty stems from being wild cought and wich part stems from how he grew up.He is a very happy bird.All his rage is very fun for him.He loves it.He loves watching reaction.As do alot of birds but he lives for it.He loves to feed the dogs his bird food and he loves slashing them with water when they are eating it off the floor.

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I like the term "Relationship" and it's connotations.


So, boiling this down to one thought could be expressed as "Any healthy relationship gives respect and allows space for each others independence, thoughts, space and growth".


If I am understanding your thread properly and I agree with your comments on this :-)


It is just starting to make sense!


Thank you for sharing your insight on these things.


Karma + for you :laugh:

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