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Yesterday my grey seemed off? Do they get moods? He was screeching and squawking until I picked him up. He would put his head down for a scratch, but when I started scratching his head he would bite me and this went on the hole day. I've noticed today he is being the same? Even sitting on my shoulder he is screeching and squawking!!! Help!!!


I haven't done anything different, so I'm not to sure whats up! He is still a baby 5 1/2 months.


What's going on, he used to be so cute...:dry:<br><br>Post edited by: Tracey, at: 2009/10/28 09:10

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I wouldn't worry too much about it for now, 5 1/2 months is very young and you are still getting used to each other. In answer to your question though yes they do get moody days ie. Beau is 9 months old and yesterday (Tues) he was a real sweety but he was a little bu@@er on Monday and biting quite a bit, I got fed up with it in the end and put him back in his cage. In short it's normal :laugh:

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I've noticed mine tend to get stand offish (Phoenix won't step up at all, runs away from me) when it rains.


Not saying all of them are like that, but I think the weather certainly influences their mood.


talula has bitten me the hardest on days when it rains.

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You know Eco its been overcast and raining this whole week, maybe it is the weather!


I suppose like us they have their moods Judy, just a bit weird, one day you think you have the sweetest grey & the next day they are showing you a lesson or two about who's the boss! LOL!


But he's my one & only & I'll keep doing as he squawk’s.

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ecodweeb wrote:

I've noticed mine tend to get stand offish (Phoenix won't step up at all, runs away from me) when it rains.


talula has bitten me the hardest on days when it rains.


Goodness Chris - if this were the case in the UK we wouldn't have our babies!!! It never stops raining!!!!


Harvey gets moody if he hasn't had his full sleep allowance - he's always in a much better mood at the weekend when he's had his full 12 hours! :laugh:

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:laugh: More ornery when it rains!!!! :blink: :laugh: I live in Washington State where Washingtonians are said to have "webfeet" so no Ana Grey does not change in the rain or sun. She does get moody if she wants to do something and I want her to do something else. I call it... standing her ground!!!! :);)

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Oh yeah, they get moody! Some evenings Sam is a mellow lovable bird that just wants to be scratched and others he a hellion that won't slow down. All he wants, is to run-run-run, play-play-play, wrestle-wrestle-wrestle. Then there's the nights where he gets a "time-out" in his cage because he's being a brat, biting, nipping and throwing fits when he doesn't get his way. Thank goodness the last one is rare!



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So funny some of these replies thanks Samsdad! I am completely reassured that Dex is ok and all is normal! Love the time out thing I do it to, then feel bad and go right back into his room and fetch him only to have him bite me for giving him a time out! LOL! :P

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Jill: I think the geographical differences plays into this. You're more north than I am, I imagine that birds in the Pacific Northwest, where it rains all the time like the UK, have little problem. The climate and barometric pressures are different there. Here in Carolina, it'll be 104F in the summer and possibly even snow and get to -F temps in the winter, that's quite a change, and I think it plays more into their mood. Stress if you will of "the storm is coming and my body says I should take cover," where in areas where it always rains they're like "meh, just another day."


That's my theory anyway!

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I believe it's Vitamin D that comes from sunlight, we have something in our skin that makes it when exposed to sun light. It helps make us happy. When I moved to the Northwest the first thing suggested was indoor tanning, I said why on earth would I do that? They said to help offset the Seasonal Affective Disorder, or seasonal depression, from October to May when it rained.


They weren't kidding about the depression, but I never tried the tanning bed. However light therapies are not uncommon or new!


So you might just need some better lighting in the house to help you feel less of a 'miserable git' my dear :)

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Sunlight provides the necessary vitamin D3 which is needed for the proper development of calcium in their bones. We as humans need vitamin D as well, which is why milk products are so important to us, hence strong bones. For our grey's sunlight is extremely important and the use of proper lighting - UVB - is a necessity along with the proper diet.


Other than that, each grey is a disctint individual and I assume prone to some of the same issues each of us face daily, not enough sleep, not in such a great mood; weather crappy, outlook can be as well; things different for whatever reason, it is reflected in our moods. They react very much the same way, some more than others, however, attributing human characteristics is not always a good thing. We can assume they are happy because they play, talk, eat and have a "positive" attitude. We know when they are unhappy for the same reasons, but looking at them more closely may be required. Is this mood caused by a change in the household, your mood/anxiety level, or is there something else going on.


At 5 1/2 months your baby is starting to group up a little and may be starting to exert some independence or personality of his own, or there may be something causing him discomfort, or an illness. Look again carefully at everything in his view point, make sure nothing has changed and then monitor the behavior for additional changes.

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