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She's home!!

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I posted a week ago about hopefully adopting my new baby and today I brought her home. She is almost 3 and fabulous. She is eating from our (family of 4) hands but not willing to be touched or picked up quite yet. I know she is scared and nervous but at the same time I think she will adjust well. Her Mom say's she talks but we have not heard anything yet except for at one of our visits she said come on. So I am looking forward to getting to know her and would love any advice anyone has to offer.


Thanks A Bunch.



I think I am in Love

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my recommendation is you keep a journal. it can be as casual as you wish. rehoming a birdy has its ups and downs and keeping a journal helps one stay optimistic as well as chronicling the everyday joys and challenges you will encounter.


for my 'journal' i regularly email the dear friend that was instrumental in my obtaining mr merlin. i save what i send her in a separate email folder and every now and then i look them over. very comforting to see how far he has come as well as me!


i find having the classical music channel playing in the aviary sets a nice atmosphere. big daddy believes the blues channel is better. so sometimes we settle on the jazz channel. i wait til he goes away and then i change it. nyuk nyuk.


have you changed her name? since merlin came from an unhappy environment, we changed his name. but as i recall, your little lady came from a happy home so there could be very good reasons to keep the original name.


favored hand treats here are pine nuts, goldfish crackers and animal crackers. pine nuts are especially coveted and usually only given when milly comes off my shoulder and onto her cage. then merly gets some too just for being merl.


i've found group banana eating time is great. we all take a turn at the banana. merlin is a banana hog though. i think his preference for the color yellow is how he gets away with it. must crack down on that (NOT)!


lots of joy and wonder for you in the days weeks months years ahead!


whoopsie doodle! edited to add: as far as talking, i find i get the best of merlin's talking if i wait outside the door to listen. when he thinks he is not being overheard he will pull out all sorts of stuff. be prepared to cover your mouth or bite your fist so as to not laugh out loud and be discovered.<br><br>Post edited by: sandra902, at: 2009/10/28 06:27

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Congrats on bringing your new to you grey home, you are on the journey of a lifetime and I am sure you are going to enjoy every minute of it.


Yes she needs some time to settle in and feel comfortable for her real personality to emerge but allow her to go at her own pace and things should progress smoothly.


Some greys will talk freely around their flock and some won't if they think you are listening, I am lucky that Josey talks in my presence so maybe she will too when she feels more at ease.


We would love to see some pictures when you get the chance.

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