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I've adopted a Grey from Rescue..


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Well, still no sign of Ceasar and the lady who had Jesse didn't get back with me. I've adopted a 22 year old CAG from Emerald Birds rescue. He needs working with but I've got time. I opted for this male instead of a sweetie female. I figured he'd need rescueing before she would. His name is Cosmo but thats a temporary name. He says Micheal alot so that might end up being his name. He is due to arrive tommorow or thursday..Will send pictures soon as I get him. He supposedly doesn't bite but instead he screams and flops over onto his back. Looks like I got myself into another handful of bird LOL

Bill is doing good, his liver enzymes are up and they want to discuss his test results on the 4th.

I'll keep you up to date..

Blessed Be!


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Congrats Rhonnie on your new to you grey, thats great that he is a rescue and you have given him a new home, give him plenty of time to settle in and feel comfortable.


Don't give up hope of finding Ceasar, he could be out there somewhere waiting for you to find him or maybe he has found a new home, in any case I hope he is safe and happy.

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congratulations on getting the new grey. The flopping on to his back is a very extreme fear response you are really going to need to be very slow with him. Dont try and handle him yet just do what he feels happy with.I would love to see pictures but only when he is ready.He is a very scared little man at the moment.I know you will do all you can to win him over,good luck.

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Thanks guys. Yep I figure this fellow has years of bad luggage he's acrrying. What I don't understand is he was at the rescue for 9 years and not worked with? HMMMMMMMMM

Jesse's mommy got ahold of me after all this time and she still wants me to take Jesse. I can't do it right now with all my birds being new. Its unfair to them so if anyone knows anyone all the woman wants for her is a plane ticket to you. Its 280$ She's 8 months old,hand tamed real sweet says goodmorning and I love you and loads of other things.

She sounds charming but Linkin and Cosmo and Little verbal gotta come first.

Thanks again, Rhonnie

Thanks again

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Cosmo, now named Micheal, is home. He does not say cosmo he says micheal. I said "cosmo?" he said "Micheal"

I may have bit off more than I can chew with this bird but he did accept a walnut half from me, which he immediately dropped, but he also took a french fry and didn't drop it.

Let me tell you what I was told.....

22 years ago the country of Africa gave Micheal Jackson alot of wild animals for his Neverland ranch. Cosmo/aka Micheal was one of them. 9 years ago when Neverland ranch was closed, Cosmo/Micheal was driven to rescue from Neverland ranch. The woman kept him for 9 years and didn't handle him. He came with his rope toy (one of those that hang from the cieling that he is really attached to. He hasn't been in a cage for the 9 years she had him. I'm sitting here listening to Micheal Jackson songs and he says Micheal? Micheal?

Thank God for Imeem. Now I admit MJ music calms this bird. They say he sings and dances to it, but they also said he'd come with trimmed nails and filed beak cause I didn't want to traumatise him straight off befor ehe trusted me and his nails are a mile long, his beak is two miles long and he looks like a plucked chicken. That was blamed on a few macaws scaribng him to death so he supposedly plucked but quit when the macaws left.

Anyways, I put on Imeem so it played while I type and I've gotten up a number of times to just stand with my arm over the cage. I don't leave until he quits groling and screaming. I just ignore him and once he calms down I walk back to the computer. In between these episodes I offered him a peeled walnut and on another time a french fry. he dropped the walnut but ate the french fry. He also is catching on to when I lean on the cage I'm not out to get him.

I'm afraid Micheal was a wildborn baby and never really trusted anyone. I'm going to need some serious help with him. He is alot smaller than Ceasar was but actually looks to be in bad shape. Like doesn't have the glossy feathers of a healthy bird. Tommorow we will go to the vet and see whats up.

Hugs, Rhonnie N Micheal

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Patience and love is the key to helping Michael overcome all his baggage.


First - reassure him that you mean no harm. If handling is not an option for him, just be near, calm and serene and happy to be there.


Second - live in the moment. Don't worry or dwell on the past, be happy with where you are both at at that moment in time and look forward to the good things.

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OMG Micheal had me in hysterics a minte ago. His feed that was sent with him consisted of sunflower seeds, unshelled peanuts and captain crunch and lucky charms cereal. I stood there with him growling and heres what happened Growlllyumyumyum. He currantly has his head buried in peaches staring at me like I'm the Great provider. I think we have a chance yet.

Rhonnie N Micheal

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