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Good morning to you all. I was asked to introduce myself...sorry I missed doing that when I joined. I am a first time CAG owner. Neo came to me at 7wks old and has been handfed by myself and Ken. He is now 15 wks and what a personality. Ken is my partner in crime when it comes to bird owning. When I met him several yrs ago, he had rescued 4 quakers & 2 macaws with the addition of owning a military macaw. We still have the rescues..and had added a few who have now gone over the rainbow bridge :(. But we have added since then a gouldian finch, 2 parakeets, and a precious too named Abby. Ken brought Neo home just for me...and I immediately fell in love with the lil guy. I love all of our feathered friends but I have to say Neo stole my heart. He is a real sweetheart and a lil stinker at the same time :) Thank you for allowing me too join, I am learning more and more each day thru you guys and from my Neo.Have a gr8 day.

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Hello Kisses and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Ken and Neo.


We like for members to introduce yourself and tell us some about your flock so we can get to know you better and it seems you have quite a flock going on but now you are the proud owner of a grey.


As I am sure you are finding out they are unlike other parrots but you can't help but love them and yours is still very much a baby at 15 weeks, I think mine was still being weaned at that age so still with the one doing the handfeeding.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions if you have any and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your flock you would share with us we would love to see them.

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