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Vocabulary Learned from Youtube


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This morning Kofi asked "Want some Apple?", "Corn", "Whatddya Want?". Last night he said "Here we Go, WEEEEEEEE!", and "you're all wet!". He learned all of this from Youtube Videos of other parrots. When he says them I use them in context, and he quickly learns to use them intelligently. Youtube is just a supplemental tool in teaching him speech, but because it allows him to see a parrot like him speaking, it seems to be very effective. He loves talking back to it, and I'm constantly searching for new parrot videos to model good speaking.

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(hard to read so I'm reposting in black and white) This morning Kofi asked "Want some Apple?", "Corn", "Whatddya Want?". Last night he said "Here we Go, WEEEEEEEE!", and "you're all wet!". He learned all of this from Youtube Videos of other parrots. When he says them I use them in context, and he quickly learns to use them intelligently. Youtube is just a supplemental tool in teaching him speech, but because it allows him to see a parrot like him speaking, it seems to be very effective. He loves talking back to it, and I'm constantly searching for new parrot videos to model good speaking.

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This is really interesting to me. Talula has an interest in TV and YouTube, I was watching a music video play list and noticed she was not only bobbing to the beat, but intently watching what was going on. I may experiment with her speech training in a similar fashion.


I still want to record her saying "Hello?" when the phone rings and put it on youtube.

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I've let Alfie listen to (carefully chosen) youtube videos more or less since we got her, and although she listens intently, I never heard her copy any of them until a week or so ago! We were watching a video on Youtube called "I love you strong and tight" (the sweetest video ever!), at least I think it was that one, we've watched a few of Emma's vids! At one point Alfie flew off the back of the couch where she had been watching, and up on to the top of her cage and said "hi Emma!"

She had obviously been paying attention!


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Yeah, Kofi did not say much for a while, but suddenly he started repeating phrases, and I reinforced them by creating associations (for apple I gave him apple, for grape I gave him grape, ...).

Just to clarify: I'm showing him videos of other parrots (mostly Greys) talking. I try to avoid videos with too much whisling. He does not need to learn any more of the that!


Love Alfie's picture by the way.

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You're all wet sounds like Einstein from Texas. Tobie has never learned to speak from watching you tube videos, but he does imitate some sound effects he hears other birds make in the videos. He does see the images of the birds though and I think he knows what he's seeing. Once, watching TV he watched a bird driving a Carabou (How do you spell that) away from his nest and Tobie started yelling "go away now, get away, go on now". Guess that's off topic though.

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Janfromboone is right on the money. Kofi is a huge fan of Einstein from Texas, and is (much to my surprise) picking up practically everything she says! Funny too, he's a Timneh, she's a Congo, but when you close your eyes you can't really tell which one of them is talking.


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Hehe, thanks Mingus - Alfie is particularly proud of that shot!!

Jan, Tobie is just amazing! Imagine him being able to put words he knows, into context while he's watching telly!!!

We were once watching springwatch (yearly uk wildlife programme) and there was a close up of some sort of raptor, I think maybe a Goshawk, flying towards the camera and Alfie ducked!!

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