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TAG is now biting me...


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Hello everyone. I have a TAG who is a little over a year old. He was absolutely MY baby. Now he bites and "hisses" at me? The only thing differnt is that I am 9 weeks pregnant. He still get the same attention. He now loves my husband who before he was not this found of. Is he picking up on the fact that I am pregnant? Help! I hate that my baby seems like he can't stand me anymore.

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He is becoming more independent now and is testing the waters so to speak, he is finding out he can control more of his surroundings than before. Most all greys will do this but I don't think he hates you, he may have changed his favorite person but that happens too.


I would continue to do as normal and see if some time changes things but he is finding out he can get his way and he is loving it.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

My Molly has been biting me for three years straight. :evil: I have grown to kind of enjoy it. Maybe ur grey is just hormonal. thatz the excuse I always give. ;)

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Not at one year of age he wouldn't be hormonal Jamal and even though an occasional bite is to be expected it should not be an everday occurance, maybe you are ignoring the signs or continuing to do things your grey doesn't like so he has to resort to biting to let you know.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I think they R luv bites and I personal lee enjoy it. If she chooses to xpress her luv for me like that i am more then willing to except it. :silly: she is my girl and I love her. :) its a luv thang. We gotz it like that.


Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/10/26 19:22<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/10/26 19:23

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Your TAG may well be aware of the changes going on, at this stage it is physically obvious something is going on. Jealous may set in, this could be why the TAG is starting to love on your husband a little more so than you -- to try and get you jealous and get you to give even more attention than before. They're manipulative little creatures, they want it their way.

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Perhaps your TAG, what is his name? is sensing that soon you will be preoccupied with a new life. Frankly I think this is great. Because your grey and husband will have each other while you are busy with the new little bundle, and you will be busy. It does'nt mean less love just a necessary adjustment. Very smart little grey if you ask me. Enjoy! Congratulations on your new baby!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/28 02:59

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I think Judy hit the nail on the head. As she said, at that age a grey, CAG or TAG is starting to change. He/she starts to feel it oats, does nip more than usual, is a bit more obstinent and at times, more aloof and also shows it's spunk. Don't worry, next week all will be fine

Congrats and good luck with your new baby.

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Don't despair just yet, personality changes in your grey are par for the course. Here is a very helpful thread you may find intereseting.




Although your bird is a little young to be hormonal himself, I do believe these birds can detect hormone changes in their humans, and act on them.

Just do as the others have suggested and continue as normal, and hopefully things will even out.


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