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Trying to be dominate


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In my opinion, if he won't get down when I ask them to off my shoulder then those priviledges will be revoked, just keep alternating arms and stop him from going to the shoulder, he will learn he is not allowed there. As far as landing on your head, put your arm up and gently swat him away, he will soon learn he cannot land there and stop.


He is trying or testing you right now, you have to take a stand and let him know he can't do what he wants to, it may take many many tries but he is allowed to continue then he is boss and knows it.

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man I feel so lucky with my bird. It doesn't try dominating at all, it loves its pellets, loved being around me since the 2nd day, likes eating vegetables (except beans), doesn't hate baths (however doesn't like them either). never bites (it did a bit first and second day, after that it doesnt, unless it starts losing grip, but can't blame it for grabbin onto my skin to try to keep itself steady).

Only thing is I wish I could figure out how to potty train it, it poops everywhere! It gives zero clues it has to go either. A lot of the time I will be holding it, then after a few min pick it up and there is poop, im like when the heck did you poop I had my eye on you the whole time.<br><br>Post edited by: harmar, at: 2009/10/26 15:47

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Your Grey is not trying to be dominate. it is simply seeking the highest perching points on your body. That is just a natural behavior for any bird. Your Grey depends on you and wants to be on or near you.


You just need to make the perching spots seem like an unstable or off limits area to him. If he tries to land on your head, simply nod it forward or side to side as you hear him flapping up there and he will find that is not a good landing or perching area.


If you do not want your Grey on your shoulder, shoo him off each time he tries to perch there. If he tries to climb up your arm, simply block the path with your other hand and arm.


No matter what, your Grey is going to follow you and want to be with you all the time. You can train him to sit somewhere close by like a T-Stand by just placing him there when you don't want him on you, but he can still be near you. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/26 16:01

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What is your baby TAG's name? I have a TAG named Ana Grey and is very loving. From day one I have never let her on my shoulder or head. You are the one to decide if your grey is allowed there so just don't let him go there. Remove him and tell him no. Ana Grey loves to be with me also so I have stands and ceiling boings and perches throughout the house. She is happy on them and if I tell her I'll be back she has learned to stay there for awhile anyway. You just need to be consistent. As for pooping everywhere, well birds poop and if you watch your grey you will see there are signals. Ana Grey always poops before she comes to me. She does not poop on me. I assume it is out of respect for each other. Learn to read you grey and be patient and consistent. Welcome to the Grey Family!

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