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You are going to just love that bird. I know because I have one and she is the best bird in the world She was my very first large birds and she was a rescue I've had her for 9 years now and she is 12 years old and I can actually say that she has never bitten me I just love her so much and she returns the love wonderfully. Have fun with your new bird and cogradulation you made a very good choice.


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Thanks. I hadn't planned on ever getting an amazon, you hear such horror stories about them, but Nilah is sooo sweet! So different than my greys, she repeats what you say after only hearing it 2 or 3 times! She's scared of nothing, new toys, new places, nothing phases her. The best part is...SHE DOESN'T BITE!!! :woohoo:


She is very loving and a happy bird.:)

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Here is our newest picture of Nilah. She is doing great! She LOVES to sing, she is a big show-off! She seems to really enjoy eating with us. It takes her an hour at every meal to finish. Rikki & Talon are done in just 10 minutes! You can usually find Nilah taking her time finishing up. When she is done, she will try to fly, which ends up her going straight down, and then she will proceed to march to wherever she feels like going, like a bird on a mission!






Here is a typical dinner..Nilah finds it a must to STAND on our plates and help herself. :blink:



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What a gorgeous little lady she is she sounds allot like my Fergie there personalitys are very special I just love mine so much and now you can understand why because you have 1 also. they don't ever bite they are so sweet and so smart and the perfect bird as far as I'm concerned

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