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Our new addition!


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Well after my weekend in the Bird of Paradise Superstore, I came home with a Yellow Crown Amazon. She is so sweet. She's 7 months old, and a doll. She can mimic you so very quickly. She loves to just hang out with us. Her wings are clipped, so she stays put. They trimmed her nails so short, she can't balance herself very well, she has nothing to grip onto, so she doesn't feel comfortable when you walk with her. Hopefully they will grow back soon. :(

We named her Nilah. Talon seems to be curious with her, but Rikki is scared of her, probably because she is bigger than her. I will post pictures soon.

And YES, for those of you that were following my other thread, I bought Lots and Lots of toys!! :blink: :P :P

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Yahoo on increasing your toy collection! Too bad we couldn't have had a web cam on you so all of us could watch... and call your cell phone to ask you to get one of each. Welcome Nilah and congratulations on learning how to pick the best home and to get there as fast as you could.

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Thanks everyone for such lovely compliments to Nilah!


She is a beauty, and she is exceptionally smart! She hears you say something or sing a line from a song only twice, and she is repeating it. She loves to talk to you in conversation. Of course you can't always tell what she is saying, but she continues on anyways. She already says, Heelllllooooo! Pretty Bird, Your a Good bird, and my favorite..."Rikki talks alot". :laugh: :laugh:


What a different personality she has as compared to my greys. NOTHING Phases her, she likes everything I feed her the first try, (I don't even have to eat it first), loves every toy the first time she sees it. I took her in the shower which my greys think was designed to kill them, and she loved it!


The bird store unfortunately cut her nails so short, she can't grasp anything! I have had to cover everything with vet wrap to help her get some traction. She can't balance herself when standing on you, so we really can't walk with her perched on our arm or shoulder. She walks onto you like she is walking on glare ice. Poor thing :( Her wings are also clipped so she can't fly even the least little bit. She doesn't know what step up means, but yesterday, she was catching onto that! She's fun and I have a lot of research to do on amazons since she is my first one.


Rikki and Talon aren't wuite sure where their place is with her yet. Rikki has been trying to make friends, (Nilah seems to like her) but she's very cautious because she is bigger than her. Talon doesn't seemed phased by her at all. They are still all settling in, but in time I am sure things will be fine.


The best thing of all is SHE DOESN'T AND WON'T BITE!!!!!!!! I'M LOVING IT!! :woohoo:


I'll keep you updated. Time to go get them up for their oatmeal and whole grain toast! :side: :silly:

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Thanks everyone. She is a dear. She's trying hard to figure out her new environment. She went from NO CAGE to going in a cage at night to sleep. She's slowly getting used to our schedule and all of our house.

I bring her into the shower with me on a perch every day. Yesterday I sprayed her with the water. She was great about it. My other 2 greys would run for their lives if I tried that with them anymore...:(

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