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Chillies for CAG


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I was wondering if its true that its ok to feed you CAG chillies? My mom bought my CAG "Dex" a bag of green chillies and said they love chillies. I gave Dex one and he totally loved it. But I have read that whats good for humans is good for CAG's. If we eat to many chillies thats bad for us, is it bad the for the grey's too???<br><br>Post edited by: Tracey, at: 2009/10/26 12:21

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Tracey wrote:


Oh, this isn't true on so many levels Tracey - not with regards chillies but there are lots of foodstuffs that your grey cannot eat, and indeed some are deadly - there's a good list in the bird food room.


Chillies on the other hand are loved! Greys have totally different taste sensations to ourselves and therefore eating a chilli to them is like eating a marshmallow to us! Nice and easy!


Just give him a nice freshly washed chilli (Harvey loves jalapenos) now and then - I only give them as a treat, one at a time - you wouldn't keep feeding them until they became poorly anyway! ;)

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Thanks Jillybeanz! That info really helps! Now I must just learn to keep Dex off me when he eats them, cos my nose starts watering as does my eyes and he has this habit of cleaning his beak on my shoulder or face! Kinda spicy when its chillie juice :blink:

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

mine love chillies. i wouldnt be overly concered about them overdoing it. let them eat all the chillles they want. i dont C the problem.

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Tracey - don't let your baby eat too many, contrary to other postings on this thread they do have their downsides.


The heat in chillies comes from a family of chemicals called capsaicinoids, which are made in the stem and stalk and are found in the seeds.


When eating chillies the body releases endorphins which gives a natural "high" - which in humans may be tiny - but I am sure that the same endorphins would be released by a parrot - it's a reaction to the capsaicinoids.


I know you weren't going to stuff Dex full of chillies - but just a bit of science!! ;)

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JillyBeanz wrote:



The heat in chillies comes from a family of chemicals called capsaicinoids, which are made in the stem and stalk and are found in the seeds.


When eating chillies the body releases endorphins which gives a natural "high" - which in humans may be tiny - but I am sure that the same endorphins would be released by a parrot - it's a reaction to the capsaicinoids.




Lol Jilly, you're a wealth of information!! So are ALL chillies ok? I had some bird's eye ones the other day but Alfie wasn't interested.

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LOL! Such funny comments! Was definitely not thinking of overdoing it with Dex he gets WAY to excited while eating them and doesn't know when to stop, so I have to limit him to two! Glad to know they are ok, but all things in moderation LOL! Thanks guys & gals for all the info great news!

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