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Accidental ! ! ! EMERGENCY


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hi my name is shamun and im from Maldives.. I have an african grey of 9 months old which i named it buddy and i feed it baby food every now n then but it eats by its own now..


Today when i was feeding buddy baby food the plastic like tube attacked to the tip of the syringe got loosen and buddy accidentally swallowed the plastic tube (3.5 inches long)...



pls any one help what should i do..im little nervous and afraid if anything might happen to it.. and how could i make it come out or something...



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Sharmun I'm with Char - you don't need to tube feed a 9 month old parrot - or indeed give it baby food. All the fresh fruit and veg available in the Maldives and you're giving your baby processed food!!


You obviously are still using the tube if you think that Buddy has swallowed it. Let your baby eat on his own ;)

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The Vet will lnow how to push the tube out without hurting the bird take im in when I thought My bird swallowed a button I took her to the vet she was about 6 months old at the time my vet felt everywhere in the baby crop to see where the button was they know how to get things out without making a hole in the babys crop you have to get it out within 2 to 6 hours before it drops down into the digestive track please hurry and get your bird to the vet.

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