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Vdeos - Dayo and Jake Normal Morning Havoc


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Dayo inspects his play area first thing in the morning.



Then...... He and Jake go nuts before they settle down into a normal day routine.....



Hope you find it as entertaining as I do. Now I need to go clean the aftermath up....:P

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That was great Dan, I can so relate to the chaos lol.

having 3 greys flighted can be a madhouse at times, my three have their mad half hour when they first come out and I spend the first half hour ducking and diving:)


Thanks for the videos:)

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Dan, Thanks to your videos watching Jake and Dayo will give me the encouragement I needed to keep both my birds flighted. I have had small anxious moments wondering if I am asking for trouble between the birds. Jake is much faster and agile and they seem to have an understanding. Did you guide them in the beginning or did they develop this relationship with no intercession?

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Thanks everyone. I know I enjoy watching them play"Tag I kill you". :P So I thought others might as well.


Dee - I already had Jake when I brought Dayo home at 16 weeks old. Jake had been here for over a year. The breeder would not release Dayo until they clipped his wings, though they did leave enough so he could actually fly straight for about 20 feet.


So from the beginning. Jake could always get out of the way quickly when he landed by Dayo and tried to make friends. I was nervous when the first few interactions took place. But, once I saw how Jake was no fool and faster than a speeding bullet, I let them work out a relationship at whatever level they determined.


Once Dayos primaries started molting out and he gained flight abilities. The chasing began. :-)


In my opinion, if birds are flighted they can chose to fight or fly. Now if they both were fighters, I would of course have to step in. But, at the most Jake will give a couple of warning "Air Bites", then fly like hell when Dayo calls his bluff. :P


I truly believe they have a distant relationship they both dearly love. :-)

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Great vids Dan.


Interesting to read your comments on how your two were introduced. I am at that nervous stage, life would be so much easier to have them both out together but I'm afraid they will fight - I don't think Beau would but Argyle thinks he's bigger than he is lol. If I stepped in to seperate them I think I could well come off worse :ohmy:

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Thanks Dan you are always such a big help. I have had Juno's cage set up for four months and have been training Java to stay off. I am setting up separate play areas and have read enough on this forum to let her out first. I am putting clear acrylic on the top of both cages and not creating play areas near either cage so they both have safety zones. With time and patience my best hope is peaceful coexistance. I will be vigilant and careful about introductions and take little baby steps. Thanks again for your insights.

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