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I saw my breeder on Wednesday and she says Pryde should be ready to come home in about 2 more weeks. I've bought a few perches and a couple of hanging toys and found some great foot toys in the cat section - lots of different colors, shapes and textures.


The real reason for my post, however, is to ask how did you introduce existing pets to the bird? I'm afraid my dogs show just a little too much interest in wild flying birds. I'm really afraid of ever letting the bird out while the dogs are even in the room. I think it will be fine if Pryde doesn't fly, or come off the playstands as the dogs ignore geese that are 4 feet away and not running away, but is there really any guarentee she'll stay put?

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My birds are not allowed on the floor. That is where the dogs live. I never let them out unless I am there right beside them. I do have one cat I have to put up when the birds are out. If you dog is a terrier or some kind of hunting breed Id put it up with the bird is out.

Around here if a bird should happen to hit the floor the dogs move away from it.

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Guest Lidia

You'll never really be able to let down your guard. Dogs will be dogs and birds will be birds! I'm sure you'll manage just fine.

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Yes, I agree with Tari and Lidia.


I have two Dobermans and they would just stare at "Jake" in the cage when I first brought him home.


After a few weeks their interest seemed to wain a little, unless Jake flew in his cage or started rattling a toy.


I do take Jake out on to a Playstand now and set him in the living room with me. I must watch my Dobies very carefully.


Sometimes they seem like they are his best friend, but a few times when Jake flew, they both stood straight to attention and were ready for some action!!


The problem was, You can't tell if they just wanted to watch, play or go grab Him.


So, I did my best Bruce Lee flying triple somersault and got to Jake before they did.. :woohoo:


Be VERY Cautious, it only takes one Bite and it's over.


I normally place my Dobies in a back bedroom when I have Jake sitting with me now.

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My boss (a rather good friend) has a sun conure that he has had for years, he lets it out, but not on the floor. Occasionally, the sun will fly across the room and dive bomb the dog, then fly back to the cage like it's funny, then when the dog calms down, he does it again.:lol:


My patagonian actually used to boss the cat and rottweilers around. That's then only time I've seen a bird make a dog sit:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Number6, at: 2007/07/21 04:29

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LOL JudyGram !!


Are you trying to say something ...hmmmm hmmmm


As Master Kom Pow would say " Float like a butterfly and sting like a Bee" :laugh:


I did move quickly though, and in my own mind, it was an awesome acrobatic move :P

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We've never owned a dog but back when we had a cat Jacques would meow at him when he walked by... my mom once had a dream that the cat started talking because he was jealous of the attention we gave Jacques for speaking... :laugh:

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