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Hi everyone,


2 quick questions.


My baby is on 2 handfeeds a day. She eats veggies, pellets and seeds with no problem. She is about 3 months. When do I reduce the feeds to 1x a day. She takes maybe 30 cc in moirning and at night. Then refuses more. Dont know when to reduce to once a day. Im concerned because she eats eveything outside the cage. She wont touch her food bowels in the cage. I was home from work the past 2 days and observed her in the cage. Yup, she does not eat in there. So, I am very hesistant about reducing the handfeeds. I dont want her to starve,


2nd question.


I noticed today that she was sneezing clear discharge from her nose. Whats that about.

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Sneezing and discharge from the nares is something that should be seen by the vet - the sooner the better.


On the handfeeds - only give them up when she's ready to ignore them - in other words - offer and if she doesn't want it then you can stop. Grey's have a tendancy to hand feed longer than other birds so 16 weeks is not unusual to be handfeeding. She will eat in her cage in her own time, just make sure there is always food and water available. The changes will come about the time she's ready to stop handfeding.

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