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New Grey In The House


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I'm adding a new juvenile grey to my household in the coming year and I've done most of the necessary research regarding care, training, and of course spending lots of times with him/her but I was curious about how I should acclimate him/her to my schedule that first day home...?? I think I'll ask the breeder from where I'm getting him/her from but I would love to hear people's thoughts:) Feel free to comment!

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Hi Maria, because your grey will be a young one, it will be easy to adjust him to your schedule because he will not be use to another. Everything will be new to both of you and you can adjust together. Just make sure that your new baby gets 10-12 hours of quiet sleeping time, lots of pellets and fresh water in his cage at all times and lots of out of cage time with you and lots of good vegetables and fruits. We have a great Bird Food Room that should help with some good food ideas. Please check out our Welcome Room and Health Room forums as well.

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