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Hi zzzelama and welcome to the forum. These wonderful folks have been educating and encouraging me while we wait for our chosen one for three long months. The experience and guidance of this forum is helpful and beyond what I could glean from the recommended books. We also have a smaller parrot and perhaps you and I can share as we learn how to introduce them so they will tolerate one another in hopes they will become to a peaceful coexistence. Thanks for joining us.

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I also have a sun conure named Sunny, she was my first parrot and then later I got my grey Josey, the two of them do not get along but they co-exist in the same room and are fine as long as I keep a little distance between them. Conures are comical little creatures.

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well my nan lives down the road from me and i used to live there until recently so theres where Louie (sun Conure) is at the moment so theres no prob if they dont get on I can keep him there as my aunt and nan are just as mad about him and i still see him every day... He is the funniest little thing... Not a afraid of anything!!!! :laugh: You couldn't scare him if you tried Lol

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