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Ice cubes


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I know I've read about Greys who like ice cubes before, but I can't remember where. I tried searching the forum but didn't come up with anything.


Shanti likes to play with, chew and hold ice cubes if I put a couple in his water dish. Safe? Fun? Other opinions/experiences?




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Harvey loves ice cubes too - he won't entertain them in a dish though - just to sit there, fiddle with and make a puddle wherever he may be!


In the summer (if you can call it that here) I always put some in Harvey's water bowl to keep it cool - I'm sure warm water to him is like warm beer/wine to me!!


Keeps them quiet too!!! :)

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Hello David, I love your blog. I hope you will keep us posted if you add to it.

I have written here before about Misty's love of ice cubes.

He asks for them in the evening. He asks for "water" but I know that he wants ice cubes because he gets cross if I just offer him a glass of water. He enjoys fishing them out of a tumbler. He has not yet learned to say "Ice" although he will say "Water" , "Warm water" , "Cold water". If he is with me in the kitchen and I open the freezer door he heads straight for it and hangs off the top of the door trying to get at the frozen veg bags. I have frozen blueberries in there so I take one and dip it in water to take the frozen sting out of the cold and give him that. He will hold it and chew it with relish.

He also likes to drink hot water whenI have my morning coffee. I am always careful not to give him ice cubes that are to cold or water to hot. He also enjoys splashing himself with cold water.




Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/10/22 15:22


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Yep, Ice Cubes are safe and a big hit with most Greys.


They also love frozen fruit bars (100% from fruit) made by dole and dreyers. Multi-flavors. Good for your birdy and you. :-)


I could swear I have seen him wrinkle his forehead due to brain freeze. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/23 00:08

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Thanks for all your responses. Great pic of Misty with the ice cube. I will try the fruit bars, Dan. I'm sure Shanti will love them. He is definitely a fruitaholic, although lately I've been successful with carrots and some other veggies too.

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