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Hello from Jacky & Smokey

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Hello. My name is Jacky and I found this website by mistake, but I really am becoming fond of it! I have asked some questions and I have received many helpful answers. Thanks to all for helping out. I am a 20 year old Psychology student with a fiance, 2 rescued Pit Bull Terriers, a Jenday Conure that I rescued from Pet Smart (long storie), a Sulfer Crested Cocatoo, and my wonderful African Grey Smokey. Smokey is such a wonderful friend! He and my other animals brighten up a dull day and they make me laugh all of the time. I was wondering, I know A.G repeat things that they hear, but Smokey makes remixes to the things that I have said and the things that he hears. Also, does anyone know of a good bird trainer or bird training classes that I can go to? I live in Schenectady NY, by Albany NY for those who haven't heard of it. I will travel, but not too far. Get back to me and hello to all!:P Also, as you can tell from my screen name, I am an Avon representative. If you would like to visit my site to order some stuff here it is, www.youravon.com/japrile and I have a code for free shipping but it changes from time to time, so if you want it...just ask and I will give it to you. I am also looking for wonderful new people who would like to start their own Avon business, just send me a message (if there is a way to do that on here...lol) Or you can visit my website and send me an e-mail. Talk to everyone later.

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Hello Jacky and welcome to our family, so glad you found us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Smokey.


Animals do brighten up a day, you can have a very difficult day at work and come home to your pets and feel so much better, they put a smile on your face and lift your spirits.


I kinda assumed you sold Avon products from your screen name, I used to sell it at one time myself but that was a long long time ago.


As you are finding out we have tons of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of your flock you would share with us we would love to see them.

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