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the lean


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Hey all!!!


Sorry I haven't been on much..I've missed a lot, i'm so sorry!


But I had a question...


Does your gray do 'the lean'? Jasper leans so hard that it's like he's thinks if he leans you'll take him in that direction!


I thought it was cute...but try not to give in because otherwise my hand would be going like a pendulum!

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Dixie leans to say where she wants to go - no lean, she's comfortable with me, lean this way - head to the swing, that way - over to her cage. This is their way of communicating with you and your observation of what they want can easily be narrowed down by giving in and seeing what Jasper sees and where he wants to go. It's great that he trusts you to take him where he wants to be and loves you enough to share the experience!

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Lean! Lean! There's no lean in our house - if Harvey wants to go somehwere he does it on his own!! He's very independent (brought him up just like the kids) - won't be long until he's cleaning his own cage out each evening (but I'll let him reach one year old first - got to have some childhood).


Harvey just flies around to get where he wants - I couldn't stand having to take him everywhere!! ;)

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What a great thread Jingles. Thanks for bringing it up.

Misty does the "Lean" if he wants to direct my hand that he is perching on either towards a place or away from a place. Some times he is on my hand and I need to put him on his perch. It he does not want to let go he will grip tight and lean away to redirect my hand. Likewise if he is in a "kissy kissy" mood he will lean towards my lips to pull my hand into place. It is quite surprising the amount of pull he can exert. He obviously has strong will power. He wills my hand to take him where he wants! He is fully flighted but why should he bother when he has muggins to take him:laugh:


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/10/22 15:38

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dixie has not only mastered the "lean" but she's discovered bribery to go with it! Today she was leaning to go to Beau's side of the room and when I didn't move in what she considered the appropriate amount of time (like immmediately) she prompted me with a kiss, then leaned and waited, and then again kissed me. That time she got carried to where she wanted to go. Bribery works wonders for greys!

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Ana Grey has never been a leaner. Even though she isn't flighted she has always just hopped/plopped down and walked where she wants to go. If she wants me to pick her up she just bites my toes. Gets my attention real fast. I never wear shoes in the house so my toes are fair game. I have climbing ropes throughout the house so its pretty easy for her to be self-sufficient. She is growing some of her flight feathers back in and can fly awkwardly to me from her cage. I am totally delighted!


I love everyone's stories about how their greys manipulate them around, it is hysterical!!!! :laugh: :lol: :)

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