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Scarlett will be 7 next January. I have had her for almost three years. We live in Alaska two weeks of the month and fly to Nevada for the other two. Often traveling in our rv down there. Scarlett has her cages and toys wherever we are. She loves to go outside. Her wings are clipped and we are never out of sight when she is out. It is too cold for her to go outside in Alaska now. We recently came back from a trip where she was outside all day eating apples off the tree and lots of watermelon. I can not please her now. She screeches and screeches no matter what I do. Everything else is the same. Sometimes she holds her wings out away from her body (not extended) while screeching like she wants to fly off. I don't know what to do. She looks and acts healthy. Could it be she is just spoiled? We have been back in Alaska for almost two weeks and will be leaving again soon but the screeching has to stop. Any advice is welcome.

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when she screeches i would put her in her cage and put a blanket over her so she cant see. she will feel secluded and know she did somthing wrong. Wait 15 min and take her out again. if she screeches again do they same thing. this may take a couple of weeks but i think it will work... give us feedback.


why dont you tell us a little about yourself and your grey in the introduction room

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Scarlett loves my husband who works out of town every other two weeks. She will bite me at every opportunity even though I am the one that takes care of her. We have been doing this routine for a couple years and it is only this two weeks she has been doing excessive screeching...mostly in the morning. I have been putting her back in the cage and covering her as a punishment but so far it has not changed the frequency of the screeching.

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Greys do not understand or respond to punishment. Actually, no pets really do.


Was there something first thing in the mornings you were doing while away that she possibly looked forward to and misses?


The reason I ask, is the screaming has started for a reason. If you can figure it out, you can stop it by replacing what it is she is missing and wanting.

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Never punish a grey in any way,it does not work .The screaming has started for a reason as Dan said.Go over the routine you have and look for any changes or have you introduced anything new into the greys environment,cage or your home. Greys can be scared of the most obscure things,my grey took fright when I put a new picture in the living room. Have you placed new toys in the cage or changed your appearance.Please think of any changes at all and treat your grey with sympathy,something may be wrong.

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Wow, thank you for your suggestions. My choice of word "punishment" was perhaps the wrong one to use as I took the cover off immediately. I was just trying to reset or stop a tantrum that looked like annoyance mixed with panic. I have been with Scarlett almost 24/7 from the day she came into my life. She sometimes screeches but nothing like she had been for days. Today she is back to normal and I can not think of what may have been different. We are going to see her vet in a few hrs for her health certificate and tomorrow my husband (her man) will be home. She knows when that is supposed to happen...and what comes next. Because we travel so often and she is exposed to new things all the time she isn't easily upset by change. Her calm demeaner suprises everyone. She has even been talking to people in the airport. I heard that hens can get eggbound in the desert and that it is fatal. How would you know and what can be done?

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It's good to hear the behaviour has subsided.


Regarding egg binding symptoms. Most of the time, birds that are egg bound will take to sitting in the cage floor.


The will also be fluffed up, you may notice abdominal swelling and the droppings will also change.


If you see any of these symptoms, you do need to get her to an avian vet quickly.


It sounds like you lead a very exciting life and your Grey is enjoying it immensely as well. :-)

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I am glad Scarlett has settled a bit.As you are going to the vets,mention the egg binding questin,he/she will advise.It may also be worth mentioning her out of character behaviour. I hope all goes well at the vets,please let us know how you get on.

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