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Behavior question.


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Our 5 year old female CAG, Echo, recently started this odd behavior with me. When ever I go to handle her, or even get near her cage, she kind of hunker downs and makes this 'uh uh uh' noise. She also acts as if she is going to regurgitate (but doesn't) and tries to grab my finger.


I keep walking away from her to discourage this, but it doesn't seem to matter. It's very frustrating as I can't do anything with her, because this is all she wants to do now. We were doing some clicker training and such, but she's too distracted with this to do anything.


What can I do? :(

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She loves you - and wants you! Sounds as if you have a hormonal female and has chosen you, and you are her special one. Best thing to do - don't pet her on her back, under her wings or near her vent area. Best thing to do with this type of behavior is to discourage it - simply walking away if you have to, or distracting her. My Dixie loves me the same way......what fun!

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spooky, one thing to keep in mind, is that birds get there queues about seasonal change from there environment, so they can get pretty out of wack with regard to actual seasons when living inside.


You can try putting Echo to bed a bit earlier, to convince her that the days are getting shorter.


I'm sure others with more experience with this particular problem will have more suggestions.

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You sound worried. Your bird is going through a hormonal phase which may happen 2x a year. Many hormonal birds will try to seriously bite a person if they're treated as they've been treated during the whole year. Normally, they want nothing to do with people in a very social way which goes on during the year. Many become very grouchy and simply stay quietly in their cage or come out of the cage but still don't wanna be handled much.

Other birds will react as yours does and you should feel very happy about that.

As rbpittman has said, certain areas shouldn't be touched because it gets them more sexually excited than they already are. But those areas shouldn't be touched even when they're not in a hormonal time because they get sexually excited and when you decide to stop, a bird may bite because it doesn't want you to stop.

As far as clicker training goes, that's something that doesn't have to be done constantly in order for the bird to learn things. They don't forget the lessons that have been taught already.

Youi should feel happy and lucky that she wants to snuggle. Many other people only complain about the hormonal stage because it has to do with their bird starting to get short tempered, nippy and doesn't wanna be held.

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This is intresting, at what age should you stop petting/scratching their back & pits? Or is it best to just never start that? Biscotti is 4 1/2 mo., and I pet his back sometimes & tickle his pits. He seems to like it in a playful way, almost like a kid being tickled. I try to handle him all over, wings, feet, etc.. never vent area, thinking that touching all these parts will make him easier to handle as he matures.

Is that not a good idea? I don't want to give him the wrong message, but he's still a baby!

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Honestly it seems like she has been like this all the time recently, at least in the past six months. :(

I am happy that she isn't biting me, but a little frustrated that all she wants to do is hunker down and make that noise. I try to discourage her from beaking my fingers, because that seems to set it off. I don't pet her anywhere but her head. I hope this passes soon.

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spookychick13 wrote:

Honestly it seems like she has been like this all the time recently, at least in the past six months. :(

I am happy that she isn't biting me, but a little frustrated that all she wants to do is hunker down and make that noise. I try to discourage her from beaking my fingers, because that seems to set it off. I don't pet her anywhere but her head. I hope this passes soon.


How many hrs a day does your bird get complete darkness? If she does it all the time it could be that her days are too long thus triggering her hormones. A bird needs 10-12 hrs of DARKNESS per day. Lengthen that gradually to calm the hormones down.

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""This is intresting, at what age should you stop petting/scratching their back & pits? """""


"""thinking that touching all these parts will make him easier to handle as he matures.""""


Stopped by at least 6 or 7 mts old.


As long as lower vent above and below isn't touched plus lower breast area isn't touched plus under the wings next to the skin isn't touched, then there's little problems.


He won't be easier to handle as he matures if those areas continue to be touched. . He'll expect it. he'll associate it with sexual stimulation and when you stop doing it, there's a chance he'll bite simply because he's pissed that you won't do it.

There's a big difference in attitude between a 4 mt old bird and a 1 yr bird. That's the time they start to change from the cuddly stage to the semi-independent stage.

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This is all good advice well received. Thanks to all of you for your insight and the article to back up what Dave and others have learned from their own experience. It is always easier to prevent this kind of attachment than to remedy it once it has a strong hold. Thanks everybody.

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