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Would a Second Grey help Ganesha?


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Some of you know that I rescued a 9 mos. old Grey last February who was a terrible plucker. When I first took her she was virtually bald from the middle of her back all the way down, no tail, no wings, just lots of pink, sore skin. She was hand fed and raised at the breeders in the Grey room until eventually at 7 mos. she was sold and the new owners wanted her wings clipped. Within a week of going to the new home she had trashed her back end. They returned her to the breeder and I rescued her two months later. I have been working really hard ever since to turn it around and my vet is terrific. She also works with the local Avian Rescue and is a multiple bird owner herself. She put Ganesha on Paxil a few months back and the change has been nothing short of a miracle. She finally has outer wings, is starting to get a few flight feathers and has just started to let a few tail feathers grow back in as well. A few months ago I rescued three cockatiels thinking she would like having other birds around and 'Nesh will talk back and forth with them. All have their own cages in the bird room and are not out together since the 'tiels fly and 'Nesh does not. 'Nesh has a second play cage in the living room where she stays during the day and watches cartoons, has music on the stereo and a play stand. Her life is getting better every day...


I recently was offered the chance to adopt a baby grey for free that has just hatched when it is ready to leave the parents. Do you think it would be a good thing for Ganesha to have another Grey? Any advise about having two Greys and a few cockatiels? From what I have read on this site and in the books yo should always have them in separate cages but Ganesha's cage is never locked...she is free to wander wherever she wants. Since she doesn't fly she mostly just moves back and forth from the living room cage and the stand during the day and is only in the big cage in the bird room to sleep.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

do it. get the second grey. parrots need to socialize with their own kind (greys with other greys( Ganesha is reddy to have a new birdling in the house. B)

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Have you the time,have you the money, have you the space,can you offer a long term home to another grey.These are things you must ask yourself before making your decision. My other concern is that your own grey sounds as if she is doing much better,would adding another grey just now upset her recovery.I am of the oppinion that your own grey still needs carefull care and It would be best to devote your time to her.

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I totally agree with She. Your bird came to you as a nervous plucker, has calmed down quite a bit thru meds and putting another grey just may undermind everthing that's happened so far. Personally, I have no idea what you mean when you say--


***Would a Second Grey help Ganesha?***


Help with what? You just finished saying that the bird has had a major transformation.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/21 08:09

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I echo Dave's and Sheila's sentiments. Jamal is a joke and by no means and expert at anything regarding Grey's. Dave is the true expert and has given you excellent advice. Sheila has pointed out all of the obvious considerations. Bringing in a "roommate" of sorts could definitely undermine the progress Ganesha has made.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Greys are social creatures who are normally locked in a cage alll alone and we wonder why there are so manny issues with plucking :silly: hope u do what u feeel is right. U know ur situation bettter than any 1 else. on this sight we just offer opinions and every 1 has got one. :silly: sum are just more respectful of different opinions than others B)

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Thank you all for you sage advice. I have had mutiple cockatiels but never more than one grey at a time. I wondered if you thought a second grey would give her a companion and make her less stressed by having a "friend" of her own species. The consensus is NO in a big way! I will not accept this new baby unless it is right for 'Nesh. She has gotten so loving and affectionate with me, is talking up a storm and has improved so much on the plucking I would never do anything to undermine that progress...Thanks again.

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

Greys are social creatures who are normally locked in a cage alll alone and we wonder why there are so manny issues with plucking


Funnily enough, my Harvey is hardly ever in his cage - in fact - he is here on my shoulder whilst I type. He was with me at the dinner table, he was with me when I was cleaning. So - I can't say this is normal for my "grey"! I presume Jamal is speaking of his own poor bird, and does not represent I would say probably 95% of this forum!


Loads of people have multiple greys/other birds - but I think I'd have a nervous breakdown personally!!!


Sounds like you are doing a great job with 'Nesh - keep up the good work x :)

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Ganesha is never locked in her cage, which was one of my concerns in taking another bird. She has the run of the bird room and the living/dining room while I am home and when I am not. She doesn't fly so she doesn't really travel very far. In all the months she has been here she has only gone down and explored the living room floor maybe three time total. She has a great life. I take her into my yoga studio on Monday nights and if I have an event and as long as she is with me she is totally cool with the chaos of people going in and out. She gets nervous if I leave her alone in the room and she can't see or hear me so I don't do that outside of her home. I never locked Rubin the cage either and she was a much happier bird. She has even learned to ride in a PetPocket on my motorcycle. She loved it!


I have some new photos of Ganesha and will post when I have a chanced to reduce them down to fit the site.


Thanks again.

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i have often thought of getting another grey and have come to the decision that it wouldn't be a good idea. i thought tigerlily might enjoy the company but in reality having another grey would mean i would spend LESS time with her myself cuz my time would be split between the two.

i also take tigerlily out and about with me and wouldn't be able to do this as often if i had two.

so i've decided getting another grey fro tigerlily to socialize with wouldn't be a good idea.

have you considered trying to find another grey owner in you area for "play dates" its something i'm trying to set up and tigerlily did meat another grey once and nearly fell of my lap when the other grey moved :laugh:


i also think i wouldn't be able to cope with two greys, ones enogh for me and i wouldn't want to risk my bond with tigerlily by getting another

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I do not have a second Grey but I do have a young Amazon that I was hoping would be a good companion for Whisper. Whisper hates the amazon and it is very difficult to always supervise them. She is also jealous and it is difficult to divide my time between the two. I always feel guilty when giving the amazon attention because Whisper (2 yrs old) gives me jealous looks across the room.

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After giving it some serious thought and listening to all of your advise, I am going to pass on the 2nd Grey. Ganesha doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with the cockatiels except to yell back and forth to them from the other room when they are chirping or singing. She has not expressed any interest in going near them or even getting closer when I hold her on my finger near to their closed cage. She might be as apathetic to a second Grey or get jealous if she got a lot less attention since the new Grey is a baby. I think I will wait for a while until she is older and is a bit more self confident. Our bonding has just really begun. Besides, I don't want to deplete my financial resourses which could be better used and might be needed for her.

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