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Hi From Canada! + A Question

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Hi everyone I am an 18 year old guy from Canada and my family has been researching and thinking about adding a Congo African Grey to our family. We have no other pets except my 2 year old boxer.


I have been lurking around here for a long time reading the posts and have been on a few other sites and have decided on getting a Grey because of their intelligence,funny personality and the well socialized ones are a blast to be around. This is my first Larger bird, but I think that my family can handle the new pet.


I have read alot of info through the months on their upkeep, socialization, health,and all of the other important topics. I just wanted to ask you people on here who are living with a grey about the mess. I will for sure keep the cage area and everything else fresh and spotless with daily maintenance but wanted to know apart from this if these guys have an noticeable odour to them or do they make any mess in the area that they are in? I ask because this is the only concern and something that we are unsure of that we (well mostly my mom) have.



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Hello Speakyourmind and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us after lurking around for so long and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey you want to get.


Greys do not have an odor except they do smell like birds but you have to be right up against them to smell it but I like bird smell, you can really tell it if you get in a room with a lot of birds.


Birds do make messes, when they eat they drop food and some throw food out they don't like. Give them something juicy like a pomegranate and they will sling it all over the place but we take that all in stride. To live with birds you have to be able to put up with some mess but it just requires you be vigilant in cleaning it up pronto.


There will be feathers around especially when they are molting and greys have a fine dander you will find on furniture which may require you to dust a little more often than usual.


I hope I have not put you off getting a grey but I have to be honest but if you truly want a grey then you will be willing to put up with these little inconveniences to have the companionship and love of one of these amazing creatures.


I look forward to hearing what you decide to do.

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Hi speakyourmind, are greys messy around the house? They will toss what they do not like on the bottom of their cage, on the floor, across the room or over their shoulder. Will they eat your woodwork and poop on your couch, carpet or your shoulder??? Yes. After all, they are animals. My grey chews holes in my T-shirts, I don't wear anything but old tee-shirts around her. Not all do all these things. My Ana Grey does not eat my woodwork or poop on me. But she does poop on other surfaces. Some have taught their greys to poop in a certain place. But sometimes they do forget. Some greys won't poop in their cage but will do it other places. They will chew your computer cords and computer keys. They love to chew. They are intelligent, therefore, if they are bored they will chew other things or themselves. Some members have chewed up wallpaper, furniture and have had to replaced their keyboards. I have to clean my computer room everyday as Ana Grey runs free in it when I am present. If you want a neat animal a cat is a better choice. A parrot that is fully flighted can be compared to an active toddler. If your Mom won't mind having a very active 2 year old around again then she will love a well adjusted grey. Do they have an odor? I bathe my grey a couple of times a week and spray her almost every day so she is always sweet smelling. They can be noisy, especially if they want you attention or if they are bored. Of course what I have written here is only my opinion. I love my grey and wouldn't give her up for the world. It's wonderful that you are doing your homework. Ask any questions you want and we will try to answer them for you. There are oodles of different posts here that have lots of information so read, read and read some more. I believe it is important for potential parrot owners to know that they are a lot of work but also so very much worth it. Welcome to the Grey Family!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

my greys have a perfumish odor to them. B) and they are hte messiest pets i have ever had to deal with. :evil: i am not being a complainer, i am just stating a fact. :silly: when u get ur greys u will soon learn what owning a messy, destructive pet is all about and u will luv them all the more B) cuz they cant help it. :silly:

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Hi Speakyourmind and welcome to the forum - glad you've taken the leap from lurker to member!!


My introduction says it all when you hover over my name "I was known for my show home before Harvey moved in, now I wouldn't show anyone my home"!!


Harvey's favourite past times are flicking beans and spinach up the walls, doors, windows, floors......! He is "toilet trained" but when he can't be bothered to return to his stand (like when he's with me in the study) he will just go ahead and poop.


Harvey chews anything that gets in his way - whether it's his or not. You just have to be quick enough to evade him.


I know these are all the negatives - but you are right to take this into mind when thinking about getting a grey. This, on top of special diets to make and cleaning of bowls and cages each day makes for a lot of work. The TV becomes a thing of the past!


Karma to you for researching well though - it is very important. ;)

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One very important aspect of owning a grey or any other parrot. Is they need to be in the main family area so interaction and knowing they are a loved member of the flock. No bird does well shoved off into another room by itself. If you suspect this may happen, do not get a Grey.


The others have given you a very good idea of what it is like to live with one. :-)

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