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Is it crazy to consider it?


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So I’ve mentioned this before, but never in detail, and in the last month I’ve started thinking more and more about it as the time gets closer… I think I’m in need of some advice!


I’m in the Air Force, and February I will be gone almost the entire month for Network Administration training in Mississippi. Well, the more I think about it the more I really want to bring Yoshi with me. Here are my thoughts/problems:


The lodging on base houses pets (some of it) but I really don’t know if I’m allowed to PCS with a pet. I still have to find that out somehow…


It will be a 10 hour drive for me… I’ve taken Yoshi on 30-40 minute trips in her pet carrier and she is totally fine, even to the point of trying to sleep and playing with toys. The car doesn’t seem to bug her. But 10 hours is a bit different… will she be okay? Is the pet carrier fine, or should I get a small cage?


I don’t have tons of money, lol, so I won’t be getting the ‘deluxe travel cage’ or whatever, but I do want to do all I can…


Now, her cage at home is very big, possibly too big for my trunk, so I have to measure that still. At least if I could get the cage in there, it has a play-top and plenty of room and toys and stuff to help occupy her, as well as being something so knows… there is no way a cage and her play stand will fit in there… The cage was very difficult to put together, but perhaps I will have to try and take it apart some.


It seems like this will not be easy… but I really don’t want to leave Yoshi behind. If I have to I can, my husband will take care of her I’m sure. But he just isn’t as eager to be with her as me. Another option is the breeder we got Yoshi from, she does babysitting for $5 a day, but she has a big room with about 30 cages in it at a time, all birds she is babysitting… and do I really want Yoshi around all that? It’s loud and she won’t get much one on one time at all…


I’m rambling here now… tell me what you guys think :)



BTW, Yoshi is like 6 and a half months old and we change things constantly in her room, and her cage, and just our whole house, so she doesn't seem to be afraid of much at all. Hopefully that will help!

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My personal opinion is that you don't bring the bird with whether they allow birds or not. One month isn't a long time when you know someone that will babysit the bird even though that person isn't so eager to do so. Your bird is a baby and very inpressionable right now and needs to live in an area that it's used to. It needs to develop right now. As far as other animals where you're goping----I assume they're domestic animals. Do you know how your very young biird is gonna react there. There will be others where you're going and right now, the home is the safe place to build up confidence in itself and others.

As far as your %5 a dy babysitter, thats a bad idea because you haven't the slightest idea what those birds have been exposed to and baby birds don't build up resistances to things until they're much older.

As far as a carrier, whichever carrier is used in the future, is up to you. I prefer animal carriers such as those used to put small cats or rabbits in. Other prefer the other type you mentioned.

At hom,e a bird can accept that it's not getting the same attention as before but at least it's in a familiar area that doesn't have a million distractions.

You're going there for some type of training so you won't be able to take your bird from place to place all day long.

Like I said, it's just my opinion but I would only move birds from one place to another ( especially 10 hrs) only if they were gonna remain at the new place permanently and I've done that before and my trip involved 17 hrs of driving.


PS---You asked how's the bird gonna accept that amount of hrs of the trip? That's im[possible to answer because you can equate 40 minute drive with a 10 hr drive because all birds are different. Some can, some can't.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/20 22:48

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First of all you need to find out if Yoshi can go and stay with you in your base housing. If not then traveling with Yoshi is moot! Second if Yoshi can go and stay with you, will you have time for her and will she be safe where she is going to be staying??? Unless you have private housing where you know Yoshi will be safe and you can spent quality time with you, I wouldn't even consider taking her. It is only a month. And yes I understand about service people. I was home alone and pregnant for months while my husband was overseas. I have a lot of respect for our armed service personnel.

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I would agree that if you won't have much time for Yoshi it doesn't sound like a good idea. However, if you will have close to the amount of time you normally have with yoshi, I'd consider it.


Personally I don't take business trips, so my past travel experience with a parrot has always been for vacation. The area I'm a little concerned about, is that, although I never had too, I always had it in the back of my mind that if a problem arose I could end my vacation and go home... So theres some risk in your case, since once you start out, you are commited.


That said, I actually think getting a parrot used to travel at a young age is not a bad idea. As long as it was getting proper attention it would make future trips much easier, and could be an enriching experience.

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I agree with Dave, I doubt you would be able to spend the time with him you would like to because lets face it you are going for training and Yoshi would not be welcome in the sessions.


She will not forget you in a month's time and will probably be so glad to see you when you return that all will be forgiven.

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