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New "Our Family" Video NOW!!

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CD: It isn't what we do in life that people remember about us....it's how we make them feel!!!


This work of art you have put together here for the forum is truly from your heart, to the hearts of all here. The thought, arrangement, music, have all come together to touch each one in a special, & warm fuzzy way.


I truly feel, based on this one post from you, that you qualify for, "being remembered for how you make people feel in life." If anyone here felt what I felt watching this video, you have achieved the ultimate gift. "Giving from the heart, with nothing expected in return." That is the most precious gift one human being can give to another!


You now hold a place in my heart where I have placed all the special people in my life.


You have given each one of us a part of you, "from the inside out." Thank you. {Love-000200BF}<br><br>Post edited by: DayosMom, at: 2007/07/22 20:36

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DayosMom wrote:

CD: It isn't what we do in life that people remember about us....it's how we make them feel!!!


This work of art you have put together here for the forum is truly from your heart, to the hearts of all here. The thought, arrangement, music, have all come together to touch each one in a special, & warm fuzzy way.


I truly feel, based on this one post from you, that you qualify for, "being remembered for how you make people feel in life." If anyone here felt what I felt watching this video, you have achieved the ultimate gift. "Giving from the heart, with nothing expected in return." That is the most precious gift one human being can give to another!


Kim this post of yours hit me like a ton of bricks over my head.. To think that a small 5 minute video could make you feel like you describe and to alter forever how you feel about me is truely a gift from God himself to me.


I did produce this video without expecting anything in return. It's just something I thought everyone would enjoy seeing and that itself was reason for me to do it.. But do you know what happened?? Posts like yours, Talons, Judy's and everyone that posted here so far made me feel so good that no amount of money could have ever achieved the FEELING I have inside me now. A feeling that something I did affected someone else in a positive, warn, and loving way. For that I am very very grateful to have been given the abilities to do such a thing.


THANK YOU for writing this warm and loving message... I will never forget it for as long as I live.. :)<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/07/23 16:11

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Shawzy4 wrote:

GOOD JOB CD. Very well put togeter. It's a pitty more of our members did'nt post pics of themselfs......Seen myself in there.. was'nt expecting that only been here two weeks.....


It matters not how long you are here my friend.. It only matters that you ARE HERE.. Being here means you are part of our family.. As part of our family YOU are included in ANYTHING we do here.. So don't worry my friend.. It's ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE.. Jezz that's corny but it works..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Save? No I just click it. It tries to start but all I get is black and no sound. Ill see if I can save it to my computer dont have any blank disk right now.

NM wont give my the option to save. Wait sounds like it has started. Got sound but no pictures.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/07 13:41

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