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new baby


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Just got a new baby african grey around 3 months old. Hopefully, this one is a keeper after what I went through with the last baby. The baby is on 2 handfeeds a day. She has already fledged. Quick question, Outside the cage on her perch she eats everything. Pellets, seeds, nuts, fruits veggies. But, I am concerned about when she is in her cage. She doesnt go near the food dishes. She climbs to the top perch and sits there and palys with her toys. Will she eventually eat the food in her cage. When, I first put her in the cage she did. But, she stopped. That means she doesnt eat all day. Only when I wake up in the morning and at night. Unless, she sneeks food during the day. But, the bottom of cage is clean. She doesnt drink her water either. But, she accepts 30 cc handfeed in morning and at night. Advice would be helpful.

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First - congrats on the new baby - what's her name?? Would love to see some pictures. I'm glad you have found a new baby to wrap your heart around.


Second - I'm in the same boat with you on the feedings, Beau is/was doing the same thing. In fact, just in the last three days I've found him eating in his cage, which was a struggle. The fear of him not eating or drinking all day while I was away (even if only for a few hours) stressed me out terribly. Of course, through the advice and patience of our friends here, I've realized I was transmitting my anxiety onto my baby.


I weigh him every morning and as long as he's maintaining weight and not losing, I feed him his forumula as scheduled and make sure he has plenty of pellets, fresh veggies, and water. He eats just fine out of the cage, so I know he's eating. I've also discovered him eating at night when I put him to bed.


This takes patience, persistence, and time. Being in a new atmosphere, your baby is taking the hand feedings fine, and will accept the new surroundings gradually. Just as Beau did - he's only been home for 2 weeks. This morning Beau was eating when I brought out his forumla to feed him, so I let him eat. I didn't offer the forumla. So far this afternoon, he's eaten again - inside his cage, and I've caught him drinking water. Patience is the key. Monitor her weight and all should be fine.

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thanks. Oustside the cage she does not stop eating. She has also been refusing the handfeeds. She takes a little then runs away and starts eating her pellets. She does the samething at night when I get home. But, once in the cage she doesnt touch anything, and rather play with her toys. I know patience is the key. But, is she learning only to eat outside the cage. Her name is darla.

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Beau still wants to eat outside of his cage in the morning - but that's because I'm right there, which is normal, I'm mommy. He's down to one hand feeding now (night only) and then he eats his pellets - a few outside his cage and then I put the bowl on the floor of his cage and him inside immediately after them and he continues eating - but that's our routine. Darla sounds like she's doing great - don't panic, she'll come around, I promise.

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When should I reduce the handfeeding. She takes about 30 cc in morning and at night. After she takes a little she refuses to take more. She rather eat her pellets.


Also, should i put her bowl on the floor of cage. Will that help her eat in the cage. The other bowels are easy to get to. She just wants to climb to top of cage and sit on the comfy perch, rather then sit on the perch that is closer to the food bowls.

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Sorry I can't be of any help on the feedings but I just wanted to say that you are strong and good-hearted to try again. Darla is a lucky little girl and I can tell you are going to be a good leader to her because you work so hard getting advice and help from your vet and everyone here too. Congratulations on the new member of your family.

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Jack, you should always keep food and water in her cage, you never know when she'll be hungry. As far as the bottom of the cage - I do that because Beau has balance issues at the moment and he eats better down there, but I also have food and water in the "normal" food stations near his perches.

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