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Beware of the cat flap!


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Well I had a close call this morning.


I was sat having a cuppa in the room when Charlie was startled by the post man.As always, he took flight and as a lot of you will know after his accident he is not very good at flying and can only go in a straight line very quickly as well.


I went into the kitchen where he normally lands on the floor, and where was he? He was stuck with his head out the catflap with just his back end in the house!

My god did I panic, I rushed in and scooped him up and brought him back in.


Who would have thought this could happen? You bird proof your house, keep your windows and doors shut for means of escape outside but never would I have thought to lock the cat flap.


The more I think about it now I see it does have a funny side as well but when I think how close he came to being outside it dosent bear thinking about!


So to anyone else with a catflap, make sure its locked as the strangest things CAN and do happen!

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