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What Does This Mean?


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Hey everyone!


It has been well over a month since I have posted on here - but do not think that I have not been secretly sifting through the vault of knowledge and experience this forum contains on a daily basis!


The question I am presenting is about owner/parrot bonding; especially in regards to my(our) living situation.


Quick re-introduction:

Just under two months ago Bismark, a now 6ish month old CAG, entered my life. He was a surprise gift, and I mean surprise in the sense that I woke up one Friday morning wondering if I had two socks that matched to going to bed with an African Grey perched next to me on an upside down ladder (the cage wouldn't fit in my Miata ha). My mother is amazing!! (I've always thought that, not just since Bismark! ;) )


Living situation:

I am 24, single, and work full time while attending evening classes at GMU (almost done!!!!!!!!) I have a rather busy and chaotic lifestyle, and the first two weeks with Bismark were rather stressful (I honestly think more so for me than him - he is a very hardy individual).


His cage is in my bedroom, so things are quite intimate (and now I have to vacuum daily!). I live in a townhouse with one other guy, so it's quiet 95% of the time. Bismark does gets frequent visits from my friends. However, 99% of the time it's myself and him. We made a connection early on, and the bond only seems to strengthen with the passing of time. One Saturday morning a couple weeks ago I was sleeping in until I was awakened by a flurry of feathers. Bismark had flown off his cage onto my chest to let me know I used up my lazy-points and it was time to awaken. (I discovered I forgot to close this mini-door to his cage when I put him to bed the night before).


I will finally get to the point:


This has been going on for about 2 - 3 weeks; but sometimes when I'm interacting with Bismark when he's on the play area on the roof of his cage, he'll scurry to the corner closest to me and crouch down. I'll ever-so-gently place my palm over his back and nuzzle his head with my other hand. And then he'll go to sleep!! I have read a lot about not confusing your Grey into considering you a mate, and not to allow them to act sexually towards you. Is this something I should stop? I don't necessarily encourage it (because I end up standing next to his cage like an idiot for 30 minutes because I'm such a sucker and he knows it ha); but I do not discourage it. What does this behavior mean? Should I stop?


I will finally conclude ha.


Bismark and I get along so well....I lived in the dorms at GMU for 3 years and living with Bizzy is very reminiscent to having a roommate! Like I mentioned above, it's been surreal and stressful for me. I'm always in awe, but at the same time I get anxious that I will overlook something or do something that will hurt him. I do not want to nourish an unhealthy relationship with my Grey, and that is why I posted tonight.


Thank you all for your input! I apologize I have not posted in a long time - Bizzy and I are still adjusting to each other.


Side note: I took him to the vet last week and he's in perfect health (weighs 360 grams). The vet took a blood sample to test for chlamydophila and something else that escapes me at the moment. Part of the blood work includes confirming if Bismark is a male or female. The bill was just about $400!!!


Because I'd like the forum to get to know us better, and I simply can't help it, I included some recent pictures of Bizzy - ....And a pic of me, just to a put a face with a username - I saw the thread "Grey Owner, What Do You Look Like?"


To the forum: thank you for having me and reading my drawn out post!


- Adam





Judygram - I could only hope to someday be 1/2 as knowledgeable and approachable as you!


Carolz7 - I could only dream (and Bizzy could only wish I was as as good) to be someday to be 1/2 as creative and "Grey-intuitive" as you!



















7131_673750117357_15601127_38644095_7158226_n.jpg (thoroughly cleaned first!)

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