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My CAG dances, twirls, and whimpers...


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Hello I am a new member to "Grey Forums" as I am also a new owner of a 4 yr. old CAG. His name is Junior.

My husband and I are curious as to why our CAG will occasionally dance on my husbands hand and forearm. He whimpers with his wings at his side, and regurgitates.

Junior will ONLY let my husband get him out of the cage. Junior will bite my 2 children who are 11 and 15, almost 16, and me if we try to go into the cage. Once my husband gets Jr. out of the cage he will step up onto our fingers and will let us hold him. We have had him for less than 2 months now. I totally love this little guy. I find him totally amazing! Thanks for any and all responses.

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Junior is in love with your husband, the dance, whimpering, regurgitating and lowering of the wings is classic signs of a grey in heat, his hormones are active and he views him as his mate. You want to discourage this behavior as it only frustrates the bird. When he is like this do not pet him down the back, under the wings or anywhere around the tail area.


He has chosen your husband as his favorite person but the rest of the family should continue to interact with him, maybe they could be the ones to offer him treats and such.

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Thank you for your replies. How long will Junior be in heat? My husband has noticed that Junior has been a bit aggressive with him lately. I continue to give Junior his treats, and we still play with him once my husband gets home from work. Thanks for your replies. I truly love this site. Oh Yeah I just took the Picture of Junior this morning.:)

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Welcome Cattalina!!


The others gave good replies.


Birds do not go into "Heat" like Dogs for example. It is simply a compulsive behavior and does become stronger in Spring and fall\winter months.


When your grey does this, do not touch him and take him somewhere to have him step up on a tree stand, perch etc. They are very smart and if you do this consistently, he will soon realize you are not welcoming that behaviour.

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Thank you for your help!

When we were given Junior we were told he will bite everyone except the previous Male owner. Junior has now fallen in love with my husband. I am wondering as to what we can do to try and help Junior out in letting us be able to get him out of the cage? Like I said before Junior will step up on our finger once my husband gets Junior out of the cage. How can I go about working with Junior to let him trust me enough to step up out of his cage? I am the one who cleans his cage, feeds him, and we all give him treats, and spoil him like crazy!

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Greys do tend to pick a favorite and Junior has picked your husband, now this doesn't mean you and the rest of your family can't be friends with him, it just means it may be different from the one he has with your husband.


He trusts your husband and will allow him to get him from the cage and he won't step up for you from the cage, you may have to accept this until a time that he may allow you to do it. Continue to work with him, you be the one to give him treats but if he doesn't want you getting him out of his cage then accept that.

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