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Juno's first year


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It really started as a joke, but you know, the sticker on his little travel cage is also a reminder to my family to tread softly, give him room, treat him with respect or he could grow up to be a biter.


He was getting curious last night to get out of the cage. I turned off all the lights in the house except the living room and moved the dogs to the bedroom to give him quiet. I thought he might sit on my lap on a blanket. He and Java are very interested, making soft noises to each other. He tried to fly to her. She is right next to the stairs, he hovered but couldn't land on her cage and had his first crash landing at our house. My heart is still in my throat.


Juno flew into the stairs bannister in slow motion, he fell about a foot onto a two level stand, then rolled and tumbled to the lower shelf and onto the floor. I stayed calm, he stayed calm and he just walked over for me to pick him up. Considering his wing was hurt recently, I will minimize his chances to be out until the vet sees him at the end of the week. I just have to say, the sound his wings make, and the grace of carrying himself slowly across the room is nothing short of inspirational. The landing skills... not so much.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2009/11/09 12:29

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Awww, he's fledging still Dee. :-)


He will gain coordination, flight skills that will amaze you and learn targeting perching places to an accuracy we could only dream of.


How do you think Dayo learned the words "Careful" "Wooooo" and "WhooOooaaaa"?


It was from all the times he heard it when he crashed and burned. :P


Can't wait to hear more stories and see tons of photos and videos!!!!

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Dee it sounds like it is going well for you and Juno and from the looks of the pictures you shared he is doing just fine. I love that T-shirt too and that is a good idea for the travel cage for inquiring little fingers will be forewarned of an impeding bite if they stick their fingers inside.


You are taking to this transition of being a new grey mom like a duck to water, you were meant for this and that trip to Alaska can happen at another time but Juno is forever your baby.


Can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes, his personality will be more forthcoming in the next few days and weeks and more pictures are always welcomed.

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He is still very quiet today but has learned that good things come with my hands in his cage. He is eating everything. My kitchen looks like a science lab. When the Schwan man made a delivery, he sat next to the cage and Juno just glowed and showed off. He must have known what good treats come from that truck. Juno clucked, purred and peeped. He hung upside down from the top of his cage and then he sat by the door waving his foot to step up. It was amazing. When the man left, he looked up as if to say "You again? bring back that other guy." I see signs throughout the day that he is getting comfortable.

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Dan, I thought fledging just meant they got the necessary feathers and made one flight. I had no idea it was a process. That makes sense. You helped me to get an idea that will help him. We have a carpeted room in the basement with a pool table. If I pad the table with blankets and hang blankets on the windows he will have a full fledging room. The bonus is it is soundproof from the upstairs so he won't hear the little four-legged family disgraces that make him flinch when they bark. I will start getting that room in order so after he has the vet clearance Friday we can start honing those flight skills. Thanks everyone for your input, it really helps through these shaky days of finding out that all the reading is helpful, but pale next to the real thing.

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That floor is called man-space and he has a lounge where he can turn up the television or music without a word from me. He has all the room he needs and I promise not to tell him how to clean it or decorate it unless he asks. But... since Juno is one of the guys, he can take me down there and he can make some changes, LOL. Seriously, I don't like to be down there with all the sports and noise... and it is really messy.

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As the day went on yesterday, Juno was getting more and more confident. Tom worked night shift so he is used to staying up until 2 a.m. so in the late evening he perks up. He got really excited when I showed him his bell, so I put it in there with him and he was a maniac. He hung upside down, clanged that bell and made all sorts of happy sounds. It is slowly warming up between us, we are both getting more confident in our interactions.

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Okay Lyn, I might want to spoil him... a little. When he woke up this morning, I had some oatmeal ready with a little sweet potato and banana. This is the first time he was peeping and looking for me and showing he wanted to come out. It was awesome. I took him to the kitchen table, did the necessary weighing and meds and he got right to the oatmeal and then wanted the banana in my hand instead of his dish. This is the longest he has felt safe enough out of his cage not to fly back to it immediately. He wasn't out long, less than ten minutes when he started looking nervous and looking toward his cage so I put him back in where he is content eating and playing again. I just want to cuddle him, but he says not yet and I respect that.

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Thats great Dee, you are doing the right thing in watching to see when he gets a little nervous and wants to return to the safety of the cage, it won't always be that way. The day will come he will be more used to you and feel comfortable and love being out with you, you will be asking us how do you get him off you. You are a patient woman and it will reward you soon enough, what a great parront you are becoming.


Love that picture of Juno enjoying that banana, wish Josey would eat banana but she turns her beak up to it, thanks for sharing that pic with us.

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Thanks for the encouragement Judy. I have moments when I get consumed with fear that he might not like me. Of course that is not true. He just needs to confirm that we are worthy and we have some tough shoes to fill from his previous home. They have decades of experience and this is my first. I have learned that holding his feet and keeping him steady helps him. It is like holding your newborn for the first few weeks and being afraid you are going to break them. LOL. I am savoring the quiet because once he starts sitting on my shoulder reading about Harvey and Dayo and some of the other boys, he will get ideas to keep me on my toes wishing he was quiet and still again. I am keeping busy, cleaning my pantry and kitchen cupboards so he sees me moving around and it keeps me from hovering and being too obnoxious to him. LOL. I may have heard my husband telling him that it is his job now to make me know my place. LOL. Okay, I just made that up.

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Love the banana pic - Alfie turns her nose up at them too!

It sounds tho, like Juno is coming along beautifully.

And while you obviously don't want him running back to his cage every 5 minutes, it's good that he feels secure there, and views it as a good, safe place to be.


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Thanks for being my village to raise this boy. Dan, it is easy to say you want to do this again once you have had the experience to see how it all turns out. Not many things in life have rattled me, but I suddenly know how little I know about bringing this boy up to be gr(ey)cful and decent. No amount of reading and preparing does prepare us. He refuses his night time feeding from me, but since he is eating everything in sight, I won't let it deter me. I weigh him every morning and he is holding his own. He really seems content and compliant. Just wait until he has been to the vet and I give him his first bath. I might want to make those sticky buns first. LOL

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Your doing fine Dee!! We watched Dayo like he was a new born child too and fretted over every little thing.


The Sticky Buns would probably be more for your comfort though. :-)


I will say, you don’t want him to get into a routine. Meaning change up things daily on when you get him, how you and where you place him, things you show or give him etc. and describe what it is or what you are doing. Like “make coffee”, “lets get cereal”, “get the baby”, “Get the Toy”,“Almond”, “apple” “mmmmmmm”, you get the jest.


Keep him mentally engaged in all things and entertained. He will forget about his schedule of how long he’s been away from his cage and soon not even care if he ever goes back.


Every Grey is different, though there are constants we can advise you of. You just need to see how he reacts to different circumstances, new items etc. and judge what you need to go slower with or speed up the process.

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danmcq wrote:


I want a baby grey again now!!!! :-)


Lol - Dan's feeling broody!!!:laugh:


I know the feeling tho - I would love to turn back the clock and have a baby Alf again! I would do things different and better!

But Dan & Jilly are right, you're doing fine and are the most experienced non-grey (lately) owner I know!!



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I think baby greys are like human babies - you can't wait for your human baby to walk, talk and grow up and then when they can, you want them to shut up and stop moving around!!


Mmm, the two are possibly related....!


Dan - Harvey is 10 months old and more than welcome to come over to yours - he'll sharp make you thankful for what you've got!!! :laugh:

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JillyBeanz wrote:

Dan - Harvey is 10 months old and more than welcome to come over to yours - he'll sharp make you thankful for what you've got!!! :laugh:


Awww, Harvey would be welcome anytime. Dayo could give him some pointers on back of neck pinch and fly technique he learned from Obi Won.... :P

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