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Juno's first year


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Juno had a recheck at the vet and we got a call that the cultures were all fine. He just doesn't seem to be feeling well though. I thought maybe the antibiotics made him feel a little quiet and less active. I put a heated perch in his cage since the house has been chilly and he liked it so much he wouldn't come out of the cage for three days. He is eating well, gaining weight slowly, is really friendly, just refused to come off the heated perch. Finally, this morning he asked to come out. My husband says he just doesn't want anyone to get between him and his warm cozy spot... the on your feet lose your seat rule.

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Juno is obviously feeling better again. Last week, twice when I went outside with the dogs, I heard a loud triumphant hoot and came back in to find the door of his cage open. Both times he was clinging to a sconce near the front door destroying a candle. I was worried that my mind was going because I was certain that I latched his door properly. Yesterday I discovered his plot, when I opened the cage to clean it, the door came off in my hands and upon inspection, he has been working out the screw that holds the door pin at the bottom! The little tinker! At dinner, for the first time he became quite vocal at being left behind in the living room so he came to a perch near me and hopped right into my plate and proceeded to eat all my rice, then when I gave him a banana of his own he ate with such relish that he made big gulping noises so if he was feeling under the weather, he is now cured.

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Ha Ha Ha! Oh Dee - we so have to watch these little critters! Harvey also worked out how to open his door VERY early on - I now have a quick link around it to stop his capers - luckily we were in when he got out!!


The other day I must not have closed one of his food doors correctly (I obviously swear I did) - but considering we have a plan of action - I close it and Michael's supposed to check it on his way out to work, the door was wide open when I came in! Luckily Harvey hadn't ventured outside - I shudder to think what he could have done!!! ;)

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Things have taken a turn for the worse here and I have a real bad feeling about it. Juno's droppings changed color yesterday and were really wet. He hasn't been himself, just real quiet, weight has been holding steady. This morning at five I was worried about him and got up early to check. He was at the bottom of the cage, he has been vomiting and has lost 20 grams overnight. His vet is on vacation, so I went to a different practice. They ran stool tests, cultures and blood work and his liver enzymes are a bit high, not to worry, it could be just stress from handling him and bringing him in. His red blood count is a little low. This vet put him on a new antibiotic. He was on Baytril for two weeks, this is just one week later, now he is on the Z-pack type. He is weak and can't hold his balance on my shoulder. They gave him subcutaneous fluids and said weigh him when we get home to have new weight added with fluids. The weather is frightful, it took us more than 5 hours to go to the vet and back and his weight dropped by 2 grams rather than going up as the vet expected. I put him back in the small cage he likes, covered part of the cage and put a heat lamp on him since he is shivering. He is just sitting on the bottom of the cage and shaking. His eyes are droopy and vet says he looks like a sick bird we just don't know why. I will try to keep you posted, as of now, no news is good news though.

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Oh Dee - I've just come on half way through your chat with Dave and knew there was something wrong. Little Juno is in the best hands possible - and your driving all that way shows what a fantastic parront you are. I've been with you - as all of us have, since the conception of Juno - and all feel your pain and suffering at the moment. My prayers and thoughts are with you - you know where I am and here for you xxxx


Come on Juno - get yourself better and stop worrying this lovely lady.

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Thanks for the support, I don't know what I would do without all of you. Dave suggested to put him in a box so we did modify his favorite small travel cage with cardboard sides with an adjustable heat lamp. He did climb up off the floor of the cage, ate a couple spoonfuls of warm baby formula and is at least perching now. Thanks to Bernie for the hand-holding on the chat when I was feeling scared for our little guy. It helps to know you are all out there, having birds of your own, so you know the feeling of being helpless. We have his original vet on standby in Jacksonville FL and will drive him down if he shows any signs of destabilizing over the weekend when we can't get into a vet here in Atlanta.

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Even when it looks the worst, knowing all of you have your hearts wrapped around a gnarly little talon, knowing you are holding yours dear, it really is uplifting. Juno kept down the first formula and is still perching, hunched up, fluffed up, definitely not feeling well but stabilized. I fed him with a spoon and he shoveled his lower beak like a little steam shovel and was definitely pleased to have baby formula. After two hours, I weighed him and was happy to see he was holding the formula down. When I went back to the kitchen he made loud sounds like a seagull, hadn't heard that before, but it was robust, so I'm happy with that. I mixed more formula and he took two 10cc syringes. My daughter called his cagetop setup with the heat lamp a paradise penthouse. I am going to bed early and will get up every two hours to check on him, so far so good. Your good wishes and prayers help me a lot. Thanks friends.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2009/12/19 03:57

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It is about 1:30 in the morning, he is still on his perch, so that is a good sign. He stepped up for me and doesn't seem worse. He is quiet and doesn't seem to be in distress but it is clear that he is not feeling well. Will let you know when I know something different. Hold your little ones dear close and dear, or as Emma says to love them strong and tight. It is in a quiet moment in the wee hours that I am ever so grateful that I have kept the quarantine for so long.

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At five am, he is awake, still stable, not showing improvement or decline. Your caring and support has been keeping me calm and in control as much as can be possible while a baby is fighting for his recovery. Dave said going up to the perch is a positive sign that we have half the battle as solid as we can hope for at this point. As gross as it sounds, his poop looks solid and formed, so his inner workings are doing what they are supposed to do. He is warm, making quiet little peeps when I go to him, but I am just giving him his quiet warm space and watching.

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