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Juno's first year


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Dee - The breeder is the best person to deal with the health, biting and trust building issues.


Your thoughts are very admirable, but the reality is, a change to a new home, surroundings etc. before getting this baby #3 back to a human trust level would not be good for him.


From the sounds of your breeder, if a home can not be found. She will take care of that baby and keep it as one of her own flock.


My hat is off to breeders that fall in love with each and everyone of their babies, yet know the day is not far off that they must say a tearful goodbye to another one of their children.


These are just my thoughts on this and I'm sure others will post good thoughts as will. :-)

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Thanks for the assessment Dan, I do agree with you. My brain tells me that I have my hands full with one bird new to our home, but my heart says to look after Brother 3 as well. It is raining and dark here today so I put an Ott full spectrum light on Juno and he is sunning, stretching toward it, preening and just way more active than he has been in general.

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I have heard from others more knowlegeable on this forum that in spite of people who are sure they can tell the gender by looking at the bird, it takes DNA or surgical sexing to be sure. The second DNA confirms there was no mistake in the first one, Juno is in fact a boy. He is really getting comfortable now, playing a lot, making merry, taking his meds like a good boy and letting everyone hold him. He will step up for any of us. Dan, you will be happy to know he flew to me, landed on my back and pinched my neck! LOL. I thought it would be far into the future, but there you have it. He is trying to get on my shoulder for the first time. I fend him off and discourage it because he got up there and goes after a bra strap and if he breaks the wrong buckle someone could get their eye poked out. LOL. It was taking him off my shoulder a few times that set him into a little tizzy that ended with landing on my back and pinching my neck. The little toot. I'm pretty sure I heard him laughing about it too.

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Juno is not just camera shy, he is camera mad. Tonight he was really cuddly for the first time. He has learned about the head massage and scratches. He kept charging up and nudging my hand for more. I am really happy because I thought he might be one of those greys that never wants to be touched. That would be okay, of course, but for him to make the choice and come to me for head rubs is nothing short of wonderful. My daughter took his picture and it upset him. He flew to his tree, then flew back to me for another head rub. He went back and forth across the living room several more times but never wanted to stay away. When she tried to take a second photo, he flew, hovered and snatched the whole lens section off the digital camera! I think I can fix it, but he is a little ornery about photos, I guess.

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It's wonderful to hear Juno is seeking out scratches, contact and closeness with you Dee. I am so happy he is turning out to be the grey baby you were eagerly awaiting all those weeks. :-)


They do love to go after those flash boxes don't they? I hope you got your lens back on. We need to many 1000000's more photos still. :P


Love the photo!!

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LOL, the camera seems to be back together, but the next shots have blurred... will try some more and put that on the christmas list if necessary. It was the advice from all of you to hold back, don't push the little guy and he will get settled and start showing his personality. He looks forward to play time with anybody but so far he lifts his foot to look like he is waving to me when I come anywhere near his cage. I think he is showing his best step up to let me know he wants out. Only a few more days of meds, then another vet check and we should be healthy and more active. He gains a couple of grams a day. He does have a funny little hop maneuver when he is on my lap. Until I can trust him to behave, I block him from climbing my shirt or arm to get to my shoulder. He makes a running jump and doesn't even flap his wings to get from my lap to my head in one quick hop. He also tests me by flying off my lap to his tree. Now though within a few minutes, the goodies in the bucket on my lap entice him to fly back again. It is getting soon that I will be able to grab a camera in between his antics and hope to catch some better pictures. I need Lyn here to take photos while Juno is keeping my hands busy.

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All is well at our house, we still have kids home from college and lots going on. Juno is a right rascal. He has already discovered that my feet are sensitive and no matter how many layers of fleece I try to hide them under, he gets right to a toe and as easy as it is to ward off a shout when he pinches a finger, the toes get a reaction and he loves it. He also decided he likes the head rubs and scratches and now he not only sits still, he does the finger nudge if I stop, and he actively comes looking for a scratch and warm snuggle. The waiting for it to be his decision was good advice, he gets more confident and interactive every day.

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katana600 wrote:

Juno is not just camera shy, he is camera mad. When she tried to take a second photo, he flew, hovered and snatched the whole lens section off the digital camera! I think I can fix it, but he is a little ornery about photos, I guess.


Alfie is exactly the same! And she has a foot fetish too! Her and Juno definitely have a lot in common!


So glad to hear he's loving his scratches and cuddles - it's lovely isn't it?!


And it's a good job the camera's fixed - you'll just have to become a sneaky snapper!!


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It does just bring tears to my eyes when he closes his eyes and seems to sigh in contentment when I am rubbing his head. His flying is getting to be very controlled and deliberate. His landing... not so much. When I won't let him land on my head he makes a second or third circuit around the room and starts to get tired. Last night he flew in the open door of his cage and landed on the floor of the cage and climbed right up like he had done it on purpose. LOL. Later as he flew to me, I put my arm out and he was aiming to get on my head. His chest hit my forearm and he did a complete somersault to land on his feet in my lap. Either he is a little daredevil and does this on purpose or he needs more work on the landings. He certainly loves the entertainment factor with all the laughter he brings.

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Oh God, I have got to stop reading the emails from the forums. I laughed out loud here in my office and am positive the entire company heard it. :P


What a character you have for a Grey. I love it!! Keep the Juno updates coming Dee!!!!


You painted a wonderful mental picture of that "going in hot" to the cage and the perfect flip over the arm with a 10.0 landing on the lap beautifully.

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Lyn, it did look a lot like he had done it on purpose, not a peep out of him. And Dan, you got the gymnast analogy down too, he stretched right up like a little gymnast dismounting from the parallel bars, with panache. It is getting harder to convince him that he doesn't have shoulder privileges. Once he gets up there, he will clamp onto my ear when I try to reach up to escort him back to my lap. I have taken to wearing a sweatshirt over a tee shirt and just turn the sweatshirt inside out and capture him in there when he gets to the ear bite. He is very determined to get on my shoulder and I am very very determined to keep him off until he can be trusted.

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Oh boy, it is much harder to keep a flighted bird off ones shoulder.


It will take many dismounts before he decides it's a no win for him. They are as head strong as a mule.


It sounds like you have worked out a methodology that is effective in removing him. If possible, it would be quicker understood if you could get your arm up in time for it to be the target, rather than your shoulder.


This really boils down to targeting and changing what he is targeting as the stable perch. At least thats the theory. :-)


But, try to avoid the flips. :P

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Thanks Dan, I do use diversions and offer him a substitute, but he is like a little kid finding a time when I am distracted to make his move to my shoulder then stand his ground when I offer to remove him. Once he is compliant about coming down, I will quite enjoy him being up there. He will cuddle against my neck and is very happy and cheerful, but also very determined to give me a bite on the ear to steer me about. I relented today and put a perch up high in his cage and he seems much happier in there. Since I have seen him climb down to the shelf to eat, this is going to work out better for him. He is such a sweetheart. We had an appliance delivery today and he growled fiercely at the men in the house, it was the first real harsh growl I have heard. I guess I have a little guard parrot being protective.

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Busy day for Juno, he had his first ride in his backpack and had a successful vet check. He has gained weight to 385 grams, a twenty percent increase in two weeks. His gram stain was approved by the vet. He held him and did a throat culture and he carried on frightfully. I hid so he wouldn't blame me! Then when the vet loosened his grip Juno escaped and flew to me for backup. Next, he screeched into the stethoscope and blasted Dr. Donnie's eardrums. LOL. When he finished, I consoled him and called the vet a mean ole troll. So.. Juno is still happy with me but the vet and tech are on the doo-doo list. Best compliment is that he is doing amazingly well for all the changes he has been through in the past three weeks. Hooray for Juno.

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Thanks, I give a lot of credit to this forum for knowing what to expect, how to wait until he was comfortable before moving forward, innovative ways to get him to eat and how to handle him. Also, he has had an incredible start from the love and care of his breeder. He is just such a lovable little character and gets more at home here every day.

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Today is our one month homecoming anniversary. I can't believe how nervous we both were that first week. Things are going great, he settled in fine and PHEW, I didn't break him or anything. Delma, tomorrow is a very big exciting day, can't wait until you have gotten settled in and hear about Georgie and your family getting acquainted.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2009/12/14 03:38

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