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Juno's first year


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Hooray, we have a delivery date! The plan is for Juno to come home on or about November 7th. One of the three clutchmates had a setback with an obstruction and is weaker than the others. He is not able to eat solid food and I agree with Ann to leave them together as much as possible to help #3 to thrive. Also, monkey see, monkey do, so when Juno sees brother hand fed, he wants to go back to more feedings rather than work toward weaning. That's okay too, I am willing to wait for the best time. Note that I didn't add "patiently" to my waiting, LOL. This is going to be the best time in my life when we are all together.

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Haha Jill, sad to say that this forum is keeping me sane while I wait. All the good ideas are keeping me busy making toys, creating separate play areas all over this house and trying to balance that feeling of breathless anticipation with dread and fear that we are not up to this guy. His breeder and her friends are saying this has been their best clutch and Juno is one in a million, but he is going to be a "handful" for his new home because he is high energy and mischievous. :S Help me count down and resist the temptation to grab #3 along with Juno because he is going to need a lot more encouragement with a rough start in life.

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And Lyn, your encouragement and attitude has been a great inspiration to me. My exuberance can barely be contained since we made the decision July 11th. It seems we already have waited a lifetime, and we have... his! LOL. I can barely wait to see how this addition changes our lives. I was out of town for four days, my last big hurrah until we settle the little guy. I was really hoping all involved would have conspired to have Juno here when I got home. What an imagination. LOL

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Thanks for your best wishes and encouragement. Some days it is really hard waiting, but now that we have a time frame, I have plenty of projects to finish before he comes so he will have my full attention for as long as it takes to earn his trust and learn about how we will coexist with two birds in the house. Our breeder is planning to keep him unclipped and our poicephalus is also flighted.

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Okay, it is finally becoming a reality. Juno has his first vet visit scheduled for the week he arrives. It seems kind of rough to have bloodwork and all before he gets to know me. The vet recommends gram stain, cultures, cbc and a blood panel. I understand the need to have a baseline workup so I am overcoming my urge to just keep him at home to myself. Better to keep Java safe to with our new addition coming in. I am beginning to feel the nervousness of wondering if I know what I am getting into but I am totally committed.

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Its normal to feel this way when the big day looms closer and closer but you will do fine, you have done your homework and you always have us to help you, all you have to do is ask.


It is good to have that vet visit to make sure Juno is healthy and it does serve as a baseline in case he gets sick in the future so rest assured you are doing the right thing.

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Dee you are going to be a great grey parront!!!! Don't worry. The wellness check is for Juno's protection to assure that he is in top condition. You can "save" him from the "mean of doctor" when you cuddle him and assure him once the check up is over. Don't worry and just enjoy your baby's homecoming!

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Thanks Judy, I think I am finally getting the jitters. It really does help to know there are so many people here who have in depth experience to guide and advise. I wish I had that when I got Java. If you think of anything I should ask the vet or if I need to make any more preparations, please feel free to make suggestions.

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Oops another word of encouragement slipped in there and I almost missed you luvparrots, thanks. This is all part of bringing them into our lives and it just is a little more intimidating to take him out on my own before we really have had time to get to know each other.

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Oh dear, Dan too. Maybe I already have that brain damage. It just dawned on me that I will be making Juno superstitious from the beginning, his vet appointment is Friday the 13th. Dan, I am not going to let Juno talk with Dayo considering that he pinches you on the back of the neck when you vex him, LOL. Isn't it interesting that I have laughed uproariously at him doing it to you, but I don't want to trade places with you on that one. LOL.

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LOL Dee! So you laugh at my pain? :P


I found the solution to the back of neck nipping. I now wear a large dog collar with chrome spikes 2 inches long.


Many people now walk WAY around me though when I go out????B)


285683392_d28c930ac5_m.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/27 21:17

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In a year, I will look back on these posts and laugh at the silly things I worried about. Actually, I am laughing now at your photo Dan... somehow I had the impression you were taller. And yes, not only have I laughed at your pain, I made it a favorite so I can go back and read it again to laugh some more.


Wow, Lyn, I really had forgotten to count, only eleven days? He will be here in a blink.

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katana600 wrote:

In a year, I will look back on these posts and laugh at the silly things I worried about.


LOL - no you won't! I'm nearly a year in and so far Harvey has had - plucking problems, feeding problems, respiratory problems, behavioural problems and stomach problems - actual none of which are real or diagnosed - just all in my head!


This week he's back to plucking - which is a lie - he is moulting and all of his pin feathers are coming through!


So, let's look back in a year and compare notes! ;)

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So Jill, it wasn't Harvey who had all the difficulties, it was you, LOL. Juno will be here in two T.o.O.T.s and two F.A.R.T.s When we celebrate his first homecoming anniversary, I know we will have plenty to laugh about. Thanks to all of you forum friends for being patient while I wait for my turn at the molting and moods and while I learn parrot negotiation techniques.

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Dave, your webcam has been such a source of comfort, enjoyment and education to me. It feels like I am transported into a miracle in the making. I don't have more pics of Juno yet. Every time I visit, I can't take my eyes off him long enough to pick up the camera. I have been able to hold and touch him and will take pictures of him next week when he gets here though. Maybe I can get a photographer to come so I can just revel in his presence. Wow... next week. Omigoodness, I am getting an African Grey!

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Well Dee you have to take your hands off him long enough to get us a couple of pictures or there will be trouble:angry: just kidding, this is a much anticipated event for us all for we have been right there by your side thru all this and we must have pics, pleaseeeeeee!:whistle: :lol:

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