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please help me with rehoming ?'s

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Hello, I am new here!! and I am in need of some good advice.

I have the opportunity to rehome a sweet 3 year old CAG. I met her today and she is precious, beautiful,sweet,smart and so on and so on. Her current Mom is wanting to travel with the horses and truly loves her but has run short on time and feels it is best to find her a new home. So.... can anyone give any advice on how to transition her in the most humane way? She is pretty shy but was willing to take treats from me today until I tried to pick her up and she nipped me a bit. She currently lives with her Mom and 2 dogs and 3 horses, with me she will be part of a family with Mom, Dad and a 7 and 9 year old. My thoughts are that we bring her home and put her in the family room with us and let her acclimate to her new home without pressuring her to come out to us. I was thinking that if every time we enter the room we talk gently to her and offer a treat. She is use to roaming her house freely and I am willing to let her do the same but am wondering how safe that is if we are not home to supervise her. Also, should I continue to visit her so she can get to know me and if so should I let days or weeks go by? or does it matter? Thank You so Much for any suggestions and help.

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Hello and welcome. If you are not rehoming the bird just yet I think it would be good to visit her quite a bit first.Your ideas on bringing her home are about right,let her just watch and hear you talking to her and give her treats from your hand. Once she is happy with this you can open her cage and see if she wants to come out.Dont rush her at all,if she stays in the cage for a bit dont worry.If she will come with her own cage this will help her a lot to settle in as it will be familiar to her. She will step up for you once she feels more sure of you,let it happen in her time.I wouldnever leave a grey out of the cage if I am not there to supervise, If I go out my two birds are safe in the cages,It is just not safe.I am looking forward to hearing more about the grey,she sounds sweet.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/19 12:17

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

U should B careful when leaving her to roam unsupervised when u are awya. B sure to birdproof ur house first. Safety 1st is my motttoo. B) fun is grate but safety is always 1st around here. :)

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Hi and welcome.

Well done for looking to rehome a grey, I don't imagine it's an easy or straightforward task!

As She has said, visiting your grey as often as you can b4 bringing her home is a good idea, it will let her get used to you and make the transision easier.

I am presuming that you will be getting her cage etc with her? This will also ease her into her new life, if she goes to it with familiar belongings.

Again, I would never leave an unsupervised bird to roam the house - too many dangers! They get into everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!!

Your thoughts of just bringing her home and giving her space and time to adjust at her own pace sound spot on. From what you say, she seems to be a sweet girl who will make a wonderful pet if you treat her right!

Good luck with her, and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey in the future!


Lyn & Alfie



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Hi wannagrey. Visiting has much as possible is the best thing. I don't believe it is ever safe to let our fids have free run of the whole house. If you have a birdroom that is totally bird safe that would be okay. They do like to chew so that is a big problem when they are out so I never leave mine unsupervised. Look forward to hearing more about your new grey. Pictures please!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/10/20 02:42

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The others have given you some good advice, you should visit with this bird as much as you can before you actually bring her home. She will need some time to get to know her new home and to feel comfortable there so do not rush her. She will come out when she feels it is safe.


Even though when she does come out and goes where she wants she will have to be caged whenever you leave the house and at night, there are too many dangers they can get into.


Let us know what you are going to do and get some pictures to share with us if you can.

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