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Happy Halloween!!!!!


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A: Bloodhounds



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A: A Poultrygeist

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Halloween? Gosh, I thought I missed it, the stores are already putting out the Christmas merchandise as of two 'eeks ago. (actually, I accidently mistyped that.. but it fit) The graphics and jokes are much appreciated from all of you. Thanks, I needed that.

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Ha Ha Ha Ha! I'm at work, it's 07.21 am and I'm sitting here crying laughing!!


I would like to complain as that picture of me is TOTALLY unrepresentative. I have far more whiskers on my chin than that early photo of me you have. I can actually plait my beard now!!!


PS. Bernie - keep that photo of me, because one day Janet won't be laughing when you sell it for millions - it'll be a classic :laugh:

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