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Cherish life


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On friday i picked my gay drag queen bearer up and he told me his cousin has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy for it, he had hidden it from Ian but someone let it slip on Thursday night, Ian and him were close but Ian was going to ring him monday to see how he was doing, however Ian rang me today to tell me John had been taken into hospital this morning with only 2 hours to live, he died at half six tonight. I only saw him 4 weeks ago and he was full of life! Hes only in his fifties, i also have a funeral tomorrow for someone i know who was 42, he was in the pub til 12.30 am on sunday and dead of natural causes by 4.am. Cherish your life.

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Life is so precious,

And each day is a gift.

So enjoy every minute,

As it were your last to live.


Cherish your loved ones,

Hug them tight,

Share with them your heart,

And your time.


Nothing is forever,

And life goes so fast,

Each minute that passes,

Is one you can’t get back.


When troubles arrive,

And knock you off your feet,

Stand up and smile,

And remember life is too sweet.


Every morning when you wake,

Decide right from the start,

That “Today will be a good day”

And let it all in with an open heart.


Written by: Laura Strickland

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Why do we not take heed of that? We just go along wishing our time away, even me and im an undertaker, both these young guys i have in at the moment and knew them both reasonably well yet i still smoke, drink and have a bad diet. Im 40 myself and consider myself to be immortal, im not, none of us are.

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