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Is Harrison older than the breeder said??


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Harrison (recently DNA sexed~female) exhibited mating behavior this morning. She's done some of it since day one so I thought maybe it was begging...but this morning, she actually turned her rear up to me. It started out with her trying to regurgitate...then the soft grunting sound...then the wings drooping...then after that, she turned around with her tail toward me and turned her vent up...tail to the ceiling. I wasn't petting her or anything before that...we were just sitting on the couch...me on one side and her on the other...my hand was on her side and she started the regurgitating on that hand. The breeder says she hatched on 12/31/05 but don't they do this at a much older age?? I'll show pics of her at the age I think she is according to the breeder...

3 months old



6 and a half months old



9 months old



a little yellow at 15 months old



That's really all I have of her eyes up close where you can see the color...her eyes still aren't totally bright yellow. Any opinions? I guess I'm questioning everything the breeder said now because she said Harrison was male. Don't get me wrong, I'll love her just the same if she was 50 years old...I'm just wondering why she's showing signs of the mating behavior so early...




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Guest Lidia

I would say she's about the age you were told. There's no doubt you had her when she was a few months old, and she couldn't possibly be exhibiting mating behaviour, she is far too young. She does sound like she is looking to replace her old nest buddies. Perhaps she is just trying to introduce you to her world as you introduced her to yours. As to stroking on the back, she's far too young to associate that with mating.

Anyway, I think she might have been a month or so older than your breeder said, but that's about all. She's very beautiful.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/20 09:01

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