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Bellinos tail


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For some reason Bellino has lost his red tail, when he came here it was normal but its just disappeared? The three he had he lost last night, they dont look as though theyre plucked but he just has one half decent one left now and that is bent as were the others that hes lost, Ive been talking to Nicki tonight who has Bellinos biological brother from the same clutch (there was just the 2 of them) and she says Blue is the same, he lost his a while ago but now seems to be growing them again. Could this be genetic? Bella has always had a gorgeous tail.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/18 01:02<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/18 01:03

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Most of the time, greys will lose one or 2 feathers when they die. Some just lose one at a time. Sometimes, the falling out of many tail or flight feathers coincides with fact that the tail or flight feathers have died at the same time, More than likely the 1/2 feather you found was chewed with the intention of pulling it out. No, things like this aren't genetic. When you say *lost* her feathers, you mean that you found them in the tray bottom, right?

Can't give you any explanation as to what direction they always grow.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/18 01:04

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None of them are chewed, they just all seem to be bent half way down. The 3 i found were at the bottom of the cage together but they look as they theyre just moulted, they dont seem to have been tampered with in any way. They are all from Bellino and not Bella, she has a normal red tail with straight feathers not bent ones.

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It's possible he fell or bent the feathers through rough play. Greys can be quite clumsy and tail feathers sometimes take a beating! I wouldn't worry about it, his tail feathers should grow back in quite normally with time. It will take some time before he has a full tail of feathers again though.

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When Chimay came home to us he had all of his red tail feathers in tact...after a few months of playing in his new surroundings the tail feathers had taken quite a beating and several of the feathers in the middle of the tail sort of broke (no blood or anything) in the middle and he simply took them off at the break point. Now when he fans his tail it looks like a V. Haha! If he seems otherwise healthy I wouldn't worry too much. Sounds like the tail feathers may just be innocent casualties of the fun times he's having ;)

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Many Greys are starting molts as the others have described.


However, losing all tail feathers at once is not how a molting process takes place. Birds can not fly properly without tail feathers.


My Grey plays pretty rough at times and loses tail feathers due to that play activity. However, he has never lost more than 3 at one time and always has plenty left for good flight control.


It is possible your grey is clipped and falling in the cage or play area and damaging the tail feathers severely.


Could you please expand on your description as Dave requested? Thanks! :-)

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He now only has one half decent tail feather, they were all bent inwards, he does have smaller ones that look to be growing but he did lose 3 at once the other day, hes not and never has been clipped but he is a daredevil and does lots of rough stunts that could damage his tail. His clutch brother is the same and has been to the vets to be told there is nothing wrong with him. I have been told that Bellinos not getting his proper nutrients, hes fed on tidy mix, fresh fruit and veg with nutrabalm sprinkled on top so will try a different diet for him.

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I had the same problem with Nelson when he was about 6 months old. He is quite big and sturdy for a cag and was very clumsy, when landing he tended to crash land. And he ended up snapping all of his tail feathers off eventually, but now they have nearly all grown back beautiful and straight. He is 14 months old now, so it does take a bit of time. So i would'nt worry about it to much. It seems to be a parrot thing

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