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Talking, losing interest & forgetting


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I am wondering about building vocabulary for greys. It seems that Brutus spends a week or two learning and perfecting a phrase or group of phrases. Once he is satisfied with his competency he quits saying the phrase and moves on to a new one. Is this what your greys do? Do they ever go back to phrases they have previously learned? How can you get them to understand that it can be a conversation? Do they make that connection naturally after awhile? I would love to hear about the experiences of others.

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Charlie is a good talker but not the best.If he learns a new phrase I re enforce it by giving him lots of praise and fuss when he repeats it,He will say a lot of things in context such as bye bye and want some if he wants some of my dinner.He also talks to the tiel a lot,usually having me in a flap because he calls the tiel over to him,saying Cracker come hear,Cracker who is not the brightest of birds, lol, will fly over to him. He also says who made that mess as I clean his cage.I never actually taught him these things he just picked them up.He has a good vocabulary but only learns what is of interest to him.He can say a lot more than what I have put hear, I have a list on my lap top so I dont forget his sayings and if he does not say something for a while,I will say it to him.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

minez are always learning and adding. i reward them by allowing them around the house flytime and extended lowrides. B)

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After learning a new phrase which more than likely came from you, it's more or less physical things that you do while repeating the phrase that matches what you're saying. Example, you're leaving the house and he sees you putting your coat on and you say * see ya later* enough times, eventually when your bird sees you doing that he'll probably say that phrase before you do. They don't forget. It's just that they space them differently.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/10/18 19:48

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