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Hiding behind a smile N thank you


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Glad to hear things are progressing Rhonnie - any prostate trouble caught early has a huge recovery rate - and fingers crossed that Bill is amongst these numbers.


I have to giggle at your being friends with Bill's first wife - I couldn't go within 500 yards of my husband's ex-wife without becoming an axe murderer - but that's an entirely different story!!!! ;)

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Hi Rhonnie,

I know everyone has their fair share of troubles, but it does seem sometimes as though some people have a fairer share than others!

I'm glad to hear things are moving along and I pray for you and Bill that the test results are good.

It's half the battle when you know what you're dealing with - gives you something to fight.

My cousin has been housebound in a wheelchair for two years, body wracked with pain and has been blue lighted to hospital twice this year when she stopped breathing. Has had umpteen tests and nobody can tell her what is wrong. She is 36 years old.

Keep positive Rhonnie (easier said than done, I know) but as the others have said, we do care and there is always someone on here ready to lend an ear!


Take care.


Lyn & Alfie



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Thanks for the update on Bill.


The worst part is waiting for the biopsy and then waiting for the results. IF their are large enough cells to see with the ultrasound, the doctor will tell you right then and of course if non are visible. The biopsy will tell the entire story, whether there is cancer or not.


Please take a look on the web for studies conducted at Stanford on Pomegranate Juice called POM and also on Grape Seep Extract pills in regards slowing down and in some cases reversing cancers.


If Bill is a nervous person or has any anxiety, ask the doctor to prescribe a tranquiliser for him to take before the biopsy. :-)


God be with you two!!

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Well today is happy and sad. Bill is feeling better and I'm happy for that. He even hooked up a TV for the birds and I got their cages cleaned. Then Aeriell (daughter in law) showed up to take Lola (my big dog) to her new home. That was sad. I had just picked up some bones for the dogs and Lola left with her stainless stell bowl (the only one she couldn't destro) in Aeriells hand and her bone in her mouth. She left and looked back like "hey mom, you coming?" It makes me sooooo sad.....

But she is going to a single woman with three daughters. She's wonderful with kids. and she's a good gaurd dog. I think they'll be perfect for each other.

The birds are very quet right now cause they are watching their Las Vegas LOL

Bill is doing MUCH better. I think the antibiotics and pain meds are helping him. I'm reallyyyy happy about that!

Hugs, Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

all i can say is that ur doing right by Bill and that is what matters. B) Visiting lola will help during this difficult X. Billl will disclose his final plans when he feels ready. at least that is my guezzz. B)

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Sonya is not family but she is daughter in laws best friend. they exchange babysitting times so sometimes her girls are with my son and his kids and sometimes the grandbabies will be with Sonya and able to still visit Lola

Thanks Guys for you concerns and helping me thru all this.

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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Since you and Bill are still together sixteen years later, you are ahead of the crowd. Getting along with the mother of his children is a huge plus. Being friends takes a huge amount of understanding and maturity on the part of all the adults involved. We all could take lessons from you on that. I guarantee if my husband had an ex, I wouldn't get along with her and she would be me, LOL. You and Bill were made to support one another. He has strength when you need it most and now you are being his. Your sharing keeps us all mindful of what is precious in this life.

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