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Hiding behind a smile N thank you


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Hi All. well today confirms my worst suspicions. My husband is ill with prostate trouble.Ceasar has been holding me up for a few weeks as far as Keeping head held high so to speak and so has this Forum.but today he feels it hard and is angry too. Ceas has kept me fairly busy over the last few months but I noticed Hubby Bill, seeming to go downhill. He was talking today about filing his social after he's gone etc. I can't quit crying. Bill has had prostate trouble before but never to the point he could not move.He's going back to the doctor monday but the way he keeps telling me his final plans its tearing me up. We have been married for almost 16 years and Bill never lets feeling bad get in his way. I wanted to thank you all for being so kind to My birds and I. I have leaned on you guys for support even tho you did not know it. Your such a kind group..

I have made the decision to sell my dachsunds to show homes and rehome Lola, my st.Bernard mix. Just keeping my poodle and my birds. I thank you all once more for standing by me..

Rhonnie N Bill

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I am so sorry to hear of Bill's illness. I am sure your urologist will have things in hand. Prostate trouble is easily remediable with the correct treatment - success rates are high for people with prostate cancers. You don't mention in so many words - but from your text this is what I am presuming?


Don't give up all your prized possessions yet Rhonnie - Bill may just be in a dark place at the moment.


Love and best wishes to you.

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Thanks guys. Bill is sleeping right now. I made him breakfast but he lost it. Argggg. I appreciate all the support. Ceasar won't be playing with me today. He feels the stress and after his flight today, When Bill got up, and I fretted, Ceasar kept biting. Its amazing how in tune these birds are to ones feelings. I know Ceas doesn't know how to handle support so he reacted the way he did on instinct. He's currantly sitting on his cage talking. I think he's saying everything he knows.

Rhonnie N ceasar

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Oh Rhonnie, I'm so sorry to hear of this but you know you mustn't fear the worse until it has been confirmed, your husband's attitude and whole outlook can have a positive effect on this, please do your best to keep his spirits up and hope alive. I think that maybe he is jumping the gun a little here, why not wait and see what the doc says. Your animals will be a comfort to you at this time (and can also have a positive effect on your health) so think carefully before giving any up.


Of course as Judy has already said, we will gladly be on hand to take your mind off things if need be. Please feel free to pm me if you so wish and good luck with the visit to the docs ;-)

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Rhonnie,please dont fear the worst yet,I know its easier said than done but believe me the time to worry is if you have your worst fears confirmed.I hope the doc can reasure you on monday and Bill starts feeling a bit more positive.At times like this animals can be an ideal remedy, if only to keep you busy and your mind on them rather than dwelling on things.I found this forum a great distraction when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and I felt everyone was hear for me,I know it wont be any different for you.Please dont hesitate to pm me if you need a chat.I will be praying you get good news on Monday. love Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/10/17 20:31

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Rhoniie I know this has been very scary news for you but I will echo what the others have said. Wait until after you talk with the urologist before you think the worst. As a phlebotomist with a major laboratory for over 20 years I have seen a lot of prostate patients because they have a test called a PSA drawn regularly. The patient's keep coming back. Which is good thing!

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Bill confessed this has been bothering him for quite somettime now. He was the one suggested we rehome the dogs and he is worse than I when it comes to obsessing over our animals. He had to take care of them while I was in and out of hospitals etc. So I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do.

I have found a woman Helena, who is taking all 4 of my dachsies after the first. They have a pack mentality and I just couldn't split them up after letting them go. That would be a double whammy on them and not fair. The girl lives in Cinncinati so I can see them if I want and will get updates on a regular basis. She offered to just watch them for me but I can't see rehoming them, having her love them (which she will inevitably do and so will they) and then packing them back up and confusing them more. She has a big farm they can run and play on. They love to run rabbit.

I am trying not to dwell on things like you all said and trying to be positive but its hard. Bill didn't get to sleep til about 4 this morning for the pain but he refuses to go to the ER. So tommorow we go to his doctor.

When Bill asked me about rehoming the dogs, I really didn't want to but realized its best for them. i've got alot of love right here behind me in my birds.Thank God! Bill was saying there is so much he wanted to do in life and hasn't. He's been thinking about this for a while. Damn its got me crying again..

Gotta go.

Thanks for all your support. I appreciate it more than you know..

Rhonnie N Ceasar

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I am glad to hear you have found a wonderful home for all the dachsies, they will be well taken care of and you know you can see them when you want to, that will help you and Bill feel at ease about their future.


Poor Bill, enduring the pain instead of going to the ER but bless his heart I hope he can be helped by his doctor tomorrow, I will be thinking of him.


Tell him not to give up just yet, he still has plenty of life left to live and he may get to do some things he has been wanting to do. Keep us informed and good luck tomorrow.

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Rhonnie, I'm happy that you were able to find a home for all of your dachshunds so that they could remain together. I pray that things will be okay tomorrow when Bill sees his doctor and that he is able to do some of the things he wants to accomplish in life. Be strong and know that we are here for you always.

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Thanks Guys. I do really appreciate it all. Bill is currently laying in bed playing his computer and watching a ballgame. So all is temporarily well for now..

Ceasar has been a love bug today. I bought him and Verbal a couple of new toys when I went to the store. Ceasar decided he try to tear his up but its one of those rope thingies with a tennis ball on it so I think he's got his hands full...LOL

Rhonnie N Ceasar (I'm teachin that toy a thing or ten) Ceasars_outta_here.JPG


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I hope all gets sorted out today for Bill and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Please keep us posted, if you feel comforatble with doing so.


I think I know exactly what is going through Bill's mind and how he feels.


God Bless - Dan

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Thanks Guys. Bill is off to the doctor. He didn't want me to go. Guess its a man thing? He was feeling somewhat better and kept his dinner down last night.

I'll let everyone know how he is doing when I find out.

Hugs to all,

Rhonnie N Ceasar (hey thanks for the prayers to for my daddy)

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Well Bill made it home hours ago. Sorry I could not log on prior, I think this computers bout had it.

Anyhow at the very least Bill has chronic Prostatitus altho his doctor said his prostate was enlarges and malformed. They started him on two antibiotics, Levaquin and Doxycycline and he has an appointment to get a sonogram and biopsy end of the week. Around here I have to say things go slow. I wish I still lived in Baytown texas where I could take him to Johns Hopkins.

I don't know if we feel better or worse. its really scary. he got on me about laying it all on you guys but I told him while he needs a support system so do I and he understood. I've kept to myself basically for last 5 years when the doctors said I wouldn't make it. They said that and I proved them wrong so I'm hoping Bill can do the same.

I've been thinking far too much and I've gone back to when I first met Bill. He was my best friends husband and no it wasn't like I stole him. She was divorcing him and told me we would make the perfect pair. I poo pooed that instantly. But after they were divorced, Jayne hadn't left here yet and I came to visit her. That day I got the call that my mother was on life support and no chance of living without it. She wasn't married and me being her eldest child had to make up my mind wether to pull the plug on her. She was in a coma and I had my sister hold the phone to her ear. I said momma, give me a sign that I can rely on to give me strength to pull your plug. My mother smiled, altho she was supposed to be brain dead. I opted to pull her plug. I stood on Jayne and Bills deck and screamed til I was hoarse. Bill came to me and held me while I cried, then he broke down crying too. We held each other for the longest time. Jayne came out and smiled. That was almost 16 years ago. I'm still friends with Jayne and I'm more in love with Bill everyday. I could not imagine life without him. he's the type man took me to the hospital when I had pancreatitus and I fell into a coma on january 1, I came out of the coma march 3rd with him at my side..

a month of him sleeping next to me. He's a good man and I pray we can beat this. The "malformed" is scary.

We both thank you all for helping me out. Attached is a picture of my hubby acting the fool while our 4 year old grandson Phoenix takes pictures.....

Thank you All and God Bless

Rhonnie N Ceasar BillactingcrazyforPhoenix.JPG


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Wow you have had a rough time but you see the silver lining, yes maybe you can do for Bill what he did for you many years ago.


Thanks so much for sharing part of your life with us, sometimes it helps just to unload on others and we are all family here and as you have already found out we care about one another so if one of our members is hurting then we all hurt and care.


That is an amazing story of how you came to be with Bill and that you remain friends with his former wife, you three must be amazing people.


I too hope Bill can beat this and I will continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers that he be around for many many more years and in good health that the two of you get to celebrate 50 years together and more.

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No Not amazing. Just honest people. We all love each other and it was funny when we all went to the punpkin fest. Jayne and I talking about Bill's AHBOOOO snoring. His friend looked at us funny and he introduced us. "this is my ex-wife and this is my current wife"


Rhonnie N Ceasar (I been up to no good)

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Thanks. Jayne and I remained friends cause I ended up with custody of her son. I never would scold him or anything until I talked with her first and her and Bill came to a decision. I wasn't trying to be his momma, just his step-mom. I think she knew I wasn't going to be a threat in that way....

Bill says thank you!!!!and so do I.

Rhonnie, Bill and The birds

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