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Talking and training, lol


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So a little update on Yoshi, lol.


Yoshi has definately started making the weird noises, nothing at all understandable though, yet ONLY either while she is alone and I'm in the shower and the loud water is running, or after WE are in the shower and she is drying off close to me and being crazy ONLY while I've put on music while she is being crazy. The minute I turn the water off in the first scenario, or turn the music off in the second scenario, it stops... Weirdo :P


Don't know how I can get her to practice more, she is a really quiet bird at any other time...


Also, we have been trying to get her to turn around, and my husband actually called me today at work to tell me that just today, he said turn around while dangling a morsel of cheese in front of her, and she scuttled around happily, then gave him a kiss :P Yay Yoshi :P

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Be careful what you wish for!


Sam is 20 months old now, and I was begining to wonder if I was going to have a bird that didn't talk much. He just didn't seem interested in any words I tried to teach him - no reaction, and I never heard him even try to practice them. The only thing he said clearly was an imitation of my wife calling her cat "Buddy". She calls him "Bud-Bud" and Sam liked the sound. He would go on and on calling "Buddy!" and saying "budbudbudbudbud." He did pick up our laughing and does a bunch of variations including some low slow "evil" laughs. My wife sometimes does the wicked witch laugh from the Wizard of Oz to Sam, and I've heard him imitate it perfectly but still not much talking


Then about 2 or 3 weeks ago, I started hearing more and more and more. I can tell it finaly "clicked" and he's starting to talk up a storm. He really likes my wife's voice and has picked up a lot of what she says, but mixed in there is my voice too. He is clearest when he first comes out of his cage when I get home in the afternoon, because that's when he's talking softly. When he gets loud later on, the words are a more garbled. Every couple days I hear several new words or phrases and recently he taken to talking a bit when he sits on me in the evenings. He's learing when to use certain words in context. About 2 weeks ago he realized what the word "NO!" means and will use it at appropriate times. The first time was when I clipped his talons which requires toweling him. I put him back on his cage and tried to calm him down by reaching for him and asking if he wanted a scratch. Well, he puffed up, grabbed my finger and pushed it away forcefully saying "NO! NO! NO!" in my voice. His message was clear. I was to bug off because I'd made him angry.


Just this evening I noticed he's practicing whole sentances but I can't understand them yet. Now I think I'm going to have quite a chatterbox on my hands.


Hang in there and be patient, because when the time comes there's no stopping it! :cheer: Not that we'd want too!



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Yoshi may be a closet talker, some greys do not like to talk in the presence of their owners but she has plenty of time to really start talking more and better, she is still really young yet.


Congrats on teaching her to turn around, nothing like a nice piece of cheese to motivate a smart bird to do what you want them to for it.


Thanks for the great update on Yoshi, in time she will be amazing you with what she can say and you will be wishing she would shut up, NOT!!

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Whisper was just like Yoshi too. Now you literally can't shut her up. I am not kidding. One day she talked non stop for 8 hrs straight. I am not kidding. I have a baby DYH Amazon who is trying to talk too. The breeder of the Amazon said he believes he will talk early. I told him I really don't mind if he never does because Whisper never shuts up. I cannot imagine what it is going to be like with both of them going at it. I really don't see how the Amazon will manage to get a word in.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/10/17 15:47

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Yoshi will be gabbing away in no time. Its so special when you hear those first clear words. I think baby babble is so cute,enjoy these special times with Yoshi.I love the trick as well.I believe teaching the little tricks keeps the mind working and increases the bond you have with them. You are doing so well with Yoshi and I love hearing about her.

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  • 4 months later...

My little 14 week old Issac is doing the very same thing. Babbling, hi and low whoops and attempts to figure out how to make those vowel sounds. I love it. He will be held quite high and praised into glory the moment he says something, I will simply gush with joy for him. IMG_0849.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/24 20:07


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I know there is nothing cooler than hearing your bird talk! B) Just remember that some never will. If Yoshi likes to sing/talk when there is music playing then leave it on. You might even try different kinds to see what she likes best. Enjoy her baby sounds while you can they go away all to soon.


Alex was almost 2 before he said anything. He had lots of sounds and still does but not one word. He went from nothing to about 30 or so words/phrases in just over 6 months. Most we did not teach him. He decides what he is going to say. He has picked up anything and everything about the dog. He decided that he likes the sound of my youngest daughters name which is Coriander. He yells it! He calls her like he's calling the dog. lol He will do it over and over agian when she is home until she yells WHAT? Then he shuts up or moves on to another word. He talks in both mine and my husbands voice.

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