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Don't Use An Aviator in the Wind


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I've just learned the hard way. Harvey and I were in the garden hanging washing out (well, I was doing the hanging, Harvey chewing the pegs) when he decided he was bored sitting where he was and decided to fly to me.


A gust of wind caught him, panicked him and culminated in him landing on my conservatory roof (I have an extension to the Aviator lead). I have never seen him panic quite so much in his attempt to find a suitable landing spot.


It isn't even too windy either - just shows the slightest gust and they could be away - clipped, or unclipped - he just held out his wings and glided to the top of the conservatory.


I shan't be doing that again in a hurry ;)

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As he flew towards me (obviously where he was aiming for - I was only about five metres away) the wind blew harder than it had been (he has been enjoying a breeze through his feathers) and caught him (to his surprise too) and he had no control over where he was going to land. He just scrambled, frantically, to the nearest point (which just happened to be the hardest place to retrieve him from as he wouldn't fly back to me!!). He did have the look of sheer terror in his eyes (and I think I mirrored these too!!).


It wasn't the fact that the wind had knocked him slightly - it was the panic that ensued scrambling for a landing plot.


I'm just worried that this experience will render him terrified of the Aviator - I don't want to go back to all that training again!!! ;)

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Jill, you and Harvey have just reinforced to all of us how important it is to our greys that they have a harness on when outside. Thank you for this important reminder. Just the slightest wind and a bird is up, up and away. You're a great parront and I'm hoping once the initial scare is over you will be letting Harvey enjoy his harness outside once again.

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