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Hi Ive just descovered this forum.I have a 22 year old Grey named Fransis.I got him when i was 8.We knew nothing about birds when we got him.He is a wild cought and sold through the black market.After we bought him a few weeks later we see on the news that a quarintine place in Houston that houses all the inports got robbed of some 2000 birds and reptiles so we figured he was one of those. We were driving through Houston back in 87 and saw this truck on the side of the road thats said"Parrots $200" so we stopped and there were hundrends of birds .Macaws,amazons everything for $200.So i got him becouse he looked most like a pigon to me.And thats what i realy wanted...lol.We got home and descovered when we went to the pet store to get bird food that we had the smartest parrot there was.I love him to death.The older he gets the smarter he gets.He can carry on full sentences.And he will answer your questians for you.For examp.He will yell at the top of his lungs'LISA(my name)I will say what He will say"come here now"So i go.And he will stand over his water bowl and Say "UMM water"and ill look and he has pooped in his water.He is real weird about his water.And little thing in there and he will throw a fit till its fresh.We get blood work done every year on him.And when they stick the needle in him he says"Ouch" gets a big laugh at the vets.Any way here is my big boy

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Hello, and Welcome. He sounds like a very intelligent bird. I'm glad you've had him for so long, and he's doing so well. What a sad, sad story for the start of his life, but it sounds like you've made him very happy!

That is a wonderful story about the interaction he has with you.

Would you please post a photo of him, we love to see pictures!! And welcome to our family here. We look forward to hearing more stories about him. :)

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Hi Dinkanber and welcome!


Thats a very good looking Grey judging from the pictures?


Has he ever bit you? :-)


If so ( even if not) please post on the The Parrot Bite Me Club" thread to with you experiences and how you handled them etc. :-)


We love stories and photos here :woohoo:

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Wow Dinkanber, you got a hot bird. Glad you could give him a home and that is funny you did not even know what kind of bird you had and thought it was a pigeon.

He sounds like one smart cookie and I have to laugh at the remarks you made about his water, he knows what he wants.

Glad you joined our family and looking forward to hearing more about Fransis.

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Guest briansmum

hey there and welcome. what a great story you have and well done for rescueing him. welcome to our family, im sure you have lots to share with us. also i think you have the oldest grey here! :woohoo:

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Guest Monique

Welcome to the forum!!! It is great to have you here. You have lots of experience!! And I bet lots of stories too!!!! :)

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Guest briansmum

yup, lidia has joshua who is 18, but the rest of us seem to have baby to quite young greys. please share your wisdom. you have done something very right to keep a wild caught grey to 22 years old

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Well anything you wanna know.I pretty much have the answer too.I have worked with breeders have have worked at vets.One of the vets i worked at i knew more than him.Every bird that came in i had to go in first and talk husbendry and then he would come in and talk medican.The reason for most deaths of parrots is carlessnes.These are animals are supposed to have a very long life and you just dont see them live that long becouse of one stupid mistake.We all know the right and wrong things to do.And if your a new grey owner you are very aware of these things.But over the years you start to let up on stuff.Dont ever take anything forgranted.Remember the things that you are cleaning your house with.Think about your bird when you are cooking in your kitchen.Do let you bird get ahold of things that they might get lodged.I had a conure that died becouse of one of those shreddy toy they sell.When i found him he was dead with it hanging out of him mouth.And very stuck.I had only been gone for a few hours.I use only acrilic or very hard plastic toys.Its not hard to care for a bird and make them happy.You just need to always keep your bird in mind like it was your own infant.there are so many things that can hurt them.Or stress them.

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Dinkanber, you have a wealth of information, having had your grey for 22 years, we may have to consult with you on answers, you may have them all.

Glad you shared your story with us and I am sure you have lots more, would appreciate it if you would share some more as time goes by.:)

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Welcome Lisa. It's always great to have a member with an older bird like you have.. The experience you bring to your family is wonderful... You will find this place about the best there is for the subject of African Greys.. I am very proud of our membership here and welcome you with open arms to that family.. :)



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Just the few posts you have made, extols great knowledge and wisdom of not just Grey's, but all Parrots in general!


The stories you must have of your journey with Francis and the helpful advise you can share with all of us is unimaginable. :laugh:


Thanks for joining this forum and I look forward to your posts, photo's and perhaps even some video's of Francis in action. Such as, verbalizing the disdain for dirty water, the OUCH when taking blood or whatever else I would imagine he verbalizes with correct responses to the situation at hand.

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Guest Lidia

Hi Dinkanber,

Welcome to the flock, you seem to have acquired a real gem in Francis and, like Beccy says, he's the oldest CAG on the board. I think there are older amazons (in their thirties?), but it's great to hear of another older CAG (mine is 18 and I've had him since he was 4 months old).

It's really nice to have another old timer joining us!

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!:woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/20 12:50

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I am in the prosses of trying to put together a little colabo of video for you guys.Its kinda hard cause as im sure you know when you want to get something on tape your always alttle too late. Fransis has never really done anything on comand like you see with other greys.He is a very very independet bird and its becouse he wasnt hand fed.So we kinda have to give him his space or he makes our life very hard.But im gonna get some stuff for you to see.Just give me a few days.

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