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My husband and I recently reconciled after being seperated for nearly a year. I had just gotten Whisper a few months prior to the seperation and she was not really talking much when he moved out. For so long it has been only Whisper and I and some of you might remember her sweet little southern voice from her videos. Everthing she said was exclusively in my voice.


My husband moved back in about 6 weeks ago and has been trying hard to make friends with Whisper again. This has required a lot of bribing with almonds but she will now let him pick her up. I am glad for this but now she talks almost exclusively in his voice.


The 4-5 things that he says to her all the time are almost the only things she says lately. She seems to have forgotten the nearly 100 phrases she used to say. I really liked her little sweet voice and now it is a manly voice.:( She seems to be stuck on "Hey Whisper, wanta go get an almond?"


He is home more than I am and I am also a little worried and jealous that she will choose him as her favorite. I know many others have had the "favorite" problem..does anyone have any ideas about why she likes his voice so much even though for the time being she still loves me best?

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I do sympathise with you. I have the opposite wheras Beau very definately has my voice but Hubby is his favourite, tbh I'd prefer it your way around as Beau is my bird and I am the one who feeds & cleans him. One thing is for sure you wont change what your bird choses, it's the way it is.

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Maybe he is just favoring him right now because he is back into the family after being gone for a while so don't jump to conclusions as it could settle down soon. If he does choose your hubby then it isn't anything much you can do about it but accept it, maybe he will get back to talking more in your voice soon.


Josey says some things in my voice and some in my hubby's voice, it just depends on which one of us said it to start with.

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I left for a week of summer camp with LP and the scouts in June. when I came back, Dixie had obviously decided that Paul (hubby) was her chosen one, even though I cleaned her cage, fixed her breakfast, took her out, spent time with her...the list goes on. He had to leave in September for his job (will be gone until the end of November) and now I'm back in her good graces. Even with the addition of Beau, she loves me best (of those left in the house). I was afraid of the potential jealousy over Beau, but she seems to go out of her way to spend time with me that she never did before, but it doesn't seem like jealousy, just she's determined to get her fair share. Your hubby is new in the house for her and she's accepting him, which is a good thing (for both of you). Find the silver lining in that cloud and enjoy.

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I know how being the number 2 is, but hopefully that won't happen to you. My Grey loved my wife more from the get-go, has always interacted with me just fine and does all his talking in my voice.


The good news is, Whisper has mastered both you voice and now your husbands. She is probably having fun with a new sound she can add to her repertoire.


Good Karma coming your way for you to remain in the same relationship you have always had with her!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/10/15 21:03

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Deep voices are appealing to greys because

1---deep voices are very similar to many parrot's levels of sound.

2---usually, a man speaks a bit slower than a woman and a grey finds slow talking appealing.


Your bird hasn't forgotten what you were sounding like since the reconciliation. It's just that right now, your husband's voice is new again and a grey will listen to new things very intently.


Continue saying things to him from the past and you'll see many of those expressions return as soon as *the thrill is gone* concerning your husband'snew voice. Not to worry. A grey never forgets and one year is nothing to a grey. The separation was longer to you than it was for your grey.

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Thanks for all of your input. I really am glad that she is accepting him again. His pouting when Whisper tried to bite him was tiring:P I feel better now. Thanks for the encouragement. She was all I had for so long and we have such a close bond I would never want to lose it.

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Hi Char,

Dont worry, Alfie does that too, I mean she goes mad with any new things she's learned, and for a couple of weeks, it's all you hear, then when the novelty wears off, in come the old favourites again!

Also, Alfie has kind of "chosen" David, but I do still get my cuddles of an evening. Just be constant with her, and the bond will hopefully go 3 ways!!


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Tobie has always sounded like a man. Thats kind of cute too, but I've always enjoyed hearing those greys that sound female. My sympathy, but I'll bet you'll get used to it really fast, and maybe later after the new wears off she'll talk in both of your voices. Of course you could always send your husband packing again. Ha! Just kidding.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

May B it is time for ur husband to back off and quit trying to steel ur bird from u. :evil: may B just tell him to spend time doing other stuff while u spend time with whisper and hope fully whisper will revert back to being more bonded to u. I would never admit this to my wife, but if my birds started bonding to my wife more than me I would go NUTZ!!! :angry: I would pretend that it didnt bother me, but i would do just what I suggested for u to do to have them back with me. that is just me though, u mite be different. :)

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