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Is it worth it??? (long)


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As I sit here plucking bird dander out of my coffee. I wondered, "is it worth it to go thru all we do in order to love a parrot?"


When I thought of Ceasar before, my hands were full. Could this bird learn to trust me? Could he ever love me like I loved him? Could he be a lifelong partner for me? Will he ever quit biting me? The list goes on and on.

its taken a year and 1/2, oK, a year and 4 months to be totally fair, for Ceasar to "come around" but I have to tell you it was well worth the journey.

Was it an easy Journey? Oh heck no! Battles and boundaries were crossed and rehashed, problematic behavior was his way of life.

So, I put myself in Ceasars position. What was it he wanted from me? All the time I was busy asking things of him I Never thought of "what could he be telling me?"

He told me the most basic things. I want love, i want stability, I want a schedule, I want unexpected greetings and play time,I want good food, I want you to treat me with respect for the Glorious bird that I am, I want a forever home, I want-I want- YOU to get to know ME....

now I am not a newbie to birds, but I am a newbie to African Greys. They take on a whole new dimension in your life.

Here was this Bird, trying to tell me what he needed and it was up to me to listen. After all, I had taken the responsability on and it was NOT to be entered into lightly. It was MY reponsability to learn what I could from other parrot lovers (notice, not Owner but Lovers) I don't believe you can own a parrot. More like your owned by Them. If you can't handle being owned by a Bird, you really don't need one. They require US to be at their Beak and Call. And, if your a parrot Lover, you are. You have to look at the big picture and be a fortuneteller of sorts. Your going to have this bird for a Very long time hopefully lifelong,and if you can't see into the future, I don't think a Bird is for you.LOL You have to picture the rest of your life with your bird. Not just a year or so. Thats not enough time to really get to know trust and anybody is it? With the exception of your sons or daughters, grandbaies and other family newborns. Yep, I say newborns because your bird is like a newborn. Ultimately trusting only you for every part of his/her needs and wants. Even if the bird is 80 years old it would still be a member of your family as a newborn. only one you've had forever!

I can see how traumatic it can be, and have seen, rehoming a bird is to them. BUT, if you find yourself in a position you can no longer take proper care of your newborn put it up for adoption to a Forever home if you can. Reason I say this is Ceasar wasn't being taken care of and HE needed more out of life than his humans could deal with. Its not fair to the bird to bail out on it unless you absolutely have to. Its like a marraige of sorts. In my case it will be til death do we part and there are no divorces in a parrots mind. I truley believe rehoming Ceasar would shatter him into a thousand little bird brain and heart pieces. But, I love him too much to consider rehoming any of my birds, but I would if the time came I could no longer care for him. I just don't see that happening tho. (see what I mean about being able to see the future?)

Your bird cannot be just locked in a cage and put up like a living Keepsake or trophy. To do that, you are making a very loving creature miserable. How would you like it? I mean they did nothing wrong that could warrant a term of life sentence in jail...

I think of the last year and 1/2 (Ceasar just came around 2 months ago) and I catch myself smiling. All that bull we went thru together. I really thought I'd have to love Ceasar from a distance so to speak. Just letting him out of his cage to play as he had shown me he thoroughly enjoyed, but never to snuggle him or touch him except to let him out. It was a nightmare!

I thought he would never end his ceaseless screeching and biting. I thought he would never love me like I loved him. But he proved me wrong.

now I can't say it was easy and I can't say it was fun, BUT I can say it was well worth the effort. I now am owned by the most careing, loving African Grey I could ever have dreamed of. I'd still love him unconditionally if he couldn't talk or can't fly because you know something? He loves Me unconditionally. I look into his lucid yellow eyes and I see what he sees. My reflection staring back at me. Only instead of the pinprick pupils, they are now big round pupils that seem to reflect everything I am in his eyes. Lord what a wonderful feeling!

The more he depends on me the more he makes me want to Give. I'm finding myself up early Just to see what the day brings with him! I'm addicted to his love. Thats what it is, an addiction of the heart and soul.

Sappy as that may sound.

I hope there are Parrots in heaven or I don't want to go.

I wish everyone the joy and blessed feeling that comes over me when Ceasar is there with me. its truly one of our greatest gifts and I know if your on this forum, you feel the same..

So as I drink my coffee anyways today and break peices of toast and eggs to put in Ceasars bowl, I wish you...

All the warm wishes in the world to you and Yours..

Rhonnie N Ceasar (I hope my cousins, brothers and sisters have a wonderful life!) Ceasar_wavesHi-490a4d84c4623d842278b930c4a28e09.JPG


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Oh boy the tears are streaming, beautifully said and 100% true. You are very lucky to have Ceasar who seems to have taught you a lot and Ceasar is very lucky to have someone who listens to him and enriches his life.


I wish all grey owners were like you.

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Jane, I feel bad now! It was not meant to make you cry

:( I'm sorry sweetie, I was just trying to convey all the emotions that are a part of being owned by a Grey or any bird. But, Thank you so very much for caring and understanding. If you cried I know my message was read by someone who is as in love with their birds as I am..

Rhonnie N Ceasar (good morning!)

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Don't worry Rhonnie I am just a big cry baby when it comes to our birds. I even cry when my boyfriend takes one of the birds to the vet for the yearly check up.


You did a brilliant job of conveying all the emotions, I loved reading you post :)

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RhonnieS wrote:

So, I put myself in Ceasars position. What was it he wanted from me? All the time I was busy asking things of him I Never thought of "what could he be telling me?"

He told me the most basic things. I want love, i want stability, I want a schedule, I want unexpected greetings and play time,I want good food, I want you to treat me with respect for the Glorious bird that I am, I want a forever home, I want-I want- YOU to get to know ME....


Rhonnie - if every Grey (or any type of bird) owner would ask that question of themselves then we would live in Greytopia and life would be wonderful, for us and our Fids. Yes we are all owned by our babies, and we love being in that position. Thank you for expressing in such beautiful terms the meaning of being a "grey owner"

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Thank you Dan.. Ceasar has put a whole new outlook to my life and we wanted to share the feeling..

Over the last 5 years I have had 13 hip replacements as my bones kept breaking. During the last year and 1/2 I've found a true and constant friend in Ceasar. I could not handle my dogs and Ceasar was there, Verbal was there. He doesn't judge me by any standard except his own and when I saw it possible, I went for the chance. and it was a thrilling feeling when we finally broke thru to each other..

Rhonnie N Ceasar (I was Mom's therapy Bird)

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Ronnie you have put in to words how I feel about Charlie,my life is so much richer with his love and devotion and I just want to give him the best life I can in his little world.He has just captured my heart.Just like Ceasar has yours.

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Wow! Very eloquently put.

I've been having a wee rough patch with Alfie lately, but after reading various posts and opinions, including this one, I feel fairly confident that we'll get past it and Alfie, David and I will be one big happy family (along with our horses and dogs!)

Thanks for this lovelly post Rhonnie.


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Rhonnie, this is a beautiful post, it sums everything up about being a fantastic parrot lover which is what you are.


I think we all know in our hearts if we are doing the best we can for our fids. You have done wonders over a short space of time, you should feel so proud.


It takes a special person to rehome a Grey and give him time patience understanding and love which you have done.


Karma to you and much respect:)<br><br>Post edited by: casper, at: 2009/10/16 14:23

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