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Please can anybody help me? I have brought this subject up before, about Casper swearing, but its got worse and it's getting kinda embarrassing, especially when the utilities guy comes to read the meters. He finds it rather amusing though. Also casper is making an impression on Nelson, who is 1 year old and just learning to talk, we keep getting the odd f and b words out of him. So i was wondering if anybody could give me a few tips on how to curb his swearing. thankyou.

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I am sure you have heard it before but my advice is to ignore it. NO REACTION whatsoever when it happens. Not even a giggle. Teach him new words and the others will fade to the back of his list of vocabulary. And under no circumstances should he hear the words again. I think that is the best you can do. Whisper has learned a bunch of new things lately and I cannot get her to say some of my old favorites no matter how much I try.

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I would just ignore the swearing and not try to encourage it. Warn any guests as well and tell them not to show any reaction for example laughing etc as your grey will lap up all the attention and do it all the more!


Try and distract with another word maybe when they use the F and B words.


Hopefully they will get fed up soon and move on to another saying.

I bet the utilities man got a shock:P

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Hi! I'm Rhonnie and my bird is Ceasar. I got Ceasar because he was unfit for a regular home due to his swearing. He said stuff like Fire Fire Flocker, and $hit

all the time over and over. Uhggg it was infuriating. First off how long have you had your bird?

Rhonnie N ceasar (hey mom I'm a good bird now)

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Ignore it or say something similar when he says it and it may gradually change to the words you say instead. I looked after a friends parrot for a few days a couple of months ago, he uses a certain word, i was so pleased when mine didnt pick it up until a month later when Bella suddenly came out with it and it became the favourite word for a while. She still calls it me when im not paying attention to her.

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LMAO, That is so funny, I would find it so hard to ignore, to hear that coming out of a parrot, lol, But yeah say something that sounds similar to the word when he says it, Like DUCK, The DUCK goes Quack Quack, and I am not sure what B word your talking about, but maybe something like Stich, Witch, Glitch, if the B word is B*tch or Flustered if the B word is Bast*rd...Hahaha


I am sorry for laughing it is just so funny, I hope you can resolve your problem though :)

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It could be so deeply ingrained that it will not go away.


The others have all given GreYt advice on what to do and what not to do.


It is unfortunate, but young greys will quickly learn words from older Greys as a "Flock Communication".


Ignore, change the words slightly etc. as the others already mentioned.


I wish you well in this endeavor. :-)

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Thankyou all for your help, i love this forum everybody is so great. I will try everything that has been suggested. In answer to a question. I have had casper since he was 12 weeks old, when i first got him i owned my own bar. He was kept in the living quarters, but where he was he could hear everything that went on downstairs. So when the guys had, had a few drinks the language got louder. I do try not to laugh, but sometimes it's so hard. He asked me for a parrot cookie the other day, and when i told him i had none he called me a b*tch. My friend Michael was with me and founf it quite hilarious, but Casper did't see him laughing, i think! He tells my son Marc he's a p***ck and then tells him ever so sweetly his cup of tea is ready. His language is terrible, but he is my little diamond. Thanks again everybody.

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Could you get the bird a job as a trucker? Ok, all jokes aside, the best I can suggest is the more time the bird is out of the surroundings that he hears those words, and if he/she does not get a reaction when he/she says them. Over time, the bird "should" stop using them less. There is a chance he/she will never stop though.


The breeder we got our female from would always say "uh oh" whenever she pooped, to this day whenever she poops, she will say, "uh oh". But We do not say that when she poops.

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Dan right when he say it may be so ingrained he may never stop. I have an Amazon that I rescued 10 years ago She came from a very abusive home where there was allot of fighting ad swearing. She hates men to this day because of te abuse she endured. And to this day everytime someone raises their voice in anger she will go off on a swearing speil that would make a Sailor cover his ears. I have always ignored it but its just something that is triggered by anger most of the time she is as sweet as pie and never says those words. Its a good thing there isn't much fighting around here or I'm sure it would be allot worse.

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