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RAID Roach Spray


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This is not for my gray, but for my newly acquired Umbrella cockatoo. the previous owners house was infest with german cockroaches and they've used bug spray on the cage. I also had to take the cage apart and hose out inside the screw hole, then spray inside them with RAID, as it was so infested. It's not coming in this house until they are all dead and the cage is safe to use.


Anybody know how to clean pesticide off a cage? I've written the company, but hoped someone may have that answer...or how long before she can live in it again.


It was totally disgusting...not to mention the fact that she, like Red, came from a smoker's home and she smells of cigarettes. yuck! What is wrong with people?


Thanks for any advice you have!

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that is so gross! i feal sorry for your baby having bugs in his home. maby once u kill all the bugs...scrub the cage with dawn dish washing liquid, then rinse. then to be safe i would scrub the cage again with white vinegar and rinse again. then let the cage dry out in the sun.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You need to be really careful. A house we lived in many years ago became infested with those German cockroaches, and they can take over your whole house in no time. Some smuggled in inside a used printer I bought, and that was all it took. One little egg sac can produce THOUSANDS of the buggers! And they are near impossible to get rid of, because they develop immunity to almost all poisons. Those egg sac would likely be hidden deep inside in the hollow tubes of the cage where you won't be able to get them, so I would personally never bring that thing inside! I wouldn't wish an infestation with those buggers on my worst enemy, they got so bad we literally had to move and abandon almost all of our belongings. Just get a different cage, and be safe.

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I agree with the others. Get a new cage. Even after cleaning, the smell will leave a residual odor. People have to that with household items too. Roaches will eventually adapt to anything. I hate roaches, no matter what their nationality is but german roaches are the most common and multiply quickly.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/12/31 20:15

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Had I known the cage was infested, I would've let them keep it. I didn't find out until the cage was here and I took it apart to clean it. It's a $600 cage, so I hated to get rid of it. You wouldn't believe what all I did to rid the cage of the roaches. I've seen about 5 in the house, but went out of town over christmas and put bait out and haven't seen any since we got back. I'm crossing my fingers that we won't become infested! She is the nicest bird I've ever met and instantly bonded with me. She's even gotten Red to come out of his shell, somewhat. Thanks for all the input!

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