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Such a silly boy....


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Just an update on our Chimay!


We purchased the Jolly Ball!!! It arrived yesterday and watching his reaction to it really made me scratch my head...He went after the toys strung up along the sides without hesitation (though I don't know that he's really knows what to make of the holes in the ball). What I found funny is the fact that he had ZERO fear of this huge ball with what seems like hundreds of new toys on it, even though it's over three times his size. He had the same lack of fear of his Atom when it arrived. Yet when I purchase new smaller foot toys or perches, he will back away from them with a little bit of fear and confusion, and won't likely take to them for a day or two. Seems like he's got his fears backward. Haha!


He's also trying as hard as he can to talk...he went through a phase where all he wanted to do was whistle, and now he will spend most of the morning just chattering to himself and us (no words, just grumbles). I keep encouraging him, because I know how hard he's trying and I just wanna reach into his little body and pull the words out of him!!! :P He's grown up SO much since he came home to us in March and I can't wait to see what else he's got in store for us.


P.S. Is it sad that I took personal time from work so that I can go home early today and hang out with him? Haha....

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chimaysmommy wrote:

P.S. Is it sad that I took personal time from work so that I can go home early today and hang out with him? Haha....


Heck no it isn't, you are a wonderful parront, I would do the same.


I may have to get one of those jollyballs for Josey.

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Me too!! I was SO thrilled when I saw it...I ordered it from www.birdsafestore.com, picked out the large sized grapevine perch which I believe is really supposed to be for the side of the cage. I emailed them and asked if it would be appropriate for cagetop use, they emailed back and said that they had one available with the appropriate perch "design" that could work for side-mounting and cagetop mounting! I really really love that store...my favorite birdie shopping site by far!

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Chimay will be one year old on November 28th! Thanks for all the compliments guys! I was noticing more and more that he wanted to spend less time on his playtop and more time either with us on the couch or on his Atom. So, I figured it was time for an upgrade! I promised my boyfriend it'd be the last time I'd make him mount bird stuff to the ceiling... For now ;)

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